Please { DELETE } " We've " decided this isnt needed

Will horse riding be fixed?

I never even ride my horse. I just teleport straight to the NMD i need to do since theres no other activity thats worth your time IMO in this game,

We are now using this thread:

Community Questions for Oct 4 Developer Update Livestream - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

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Why and who is " we " ?

Its got a nice set up for the devs with a list of ?s. We is collective term for community as I see it. ITs subjective. But that post has many more replies and views so somewhat justified.

Nothing against you. Its just a better way to get info to devs.

Offering unconditional refunds (similar to what happened with Cyberpunk 2077)?
Temporarily taking the game offline for a 12-month period to overhaul and revamp it (similar to the “A Realm Reborn” revamp for Final Fantasy XIV)?
After refunds, keeping the core game as is and transitioning it into a free-to-play mobile-style monetization model to improve its public image (similar to what happened with Diablo: Immortal)?

Because, you see, the executives and top dogs will still be the same bunch of folks. After all, it’s just a video game, and you folks won’t be able to work any miracles on them. They’ll probably just chuckle at player feedback. As for those current promises, well, they’re mostly just hot air and tactics to drag things out. The only things that hold any real weight are the ones mentioned above. But hey, who are we to change the world of gaming, right?

" WE " have to reply in a different thread now, its better ive been told