Endgame is a high level activity that will give you or has a chance to give you certain rewards. Like a high level boss that has its own loot pool. Having a harder version of the same boss that drops the same stuff isn’t an endgame.
I want that too. But in nearly all cases the bosses in D2 also didn’t give you anything you couldn’t find elsewhere. I mean, that is one of the areas that made D2 better than D4; less limited farming spots (which feels so weird to say, since one of D2s issues also was that the farming spots were too limited, just not as bad as D4).
As I see it, chasing is much more about having some super rare items, rather than having items that can only drop from a single enemy.
As for not caring about killing a lvl 200 boss, I can understand that. But some people have been asking a lot for specifically some challenging content to strive toward.
So those lvl 200 bosses might be for them (if we ignore that Blizzard is apparently unable to balance the game and make challenging content).
While you can farm the content that offers the most rewards.
I want loot to chase. I use the D2R torches as the example of what I’d like. Having to kit your character out, farm keys then kill the Uber bosses which were hard and you couldn’t one shot them, to get torches which had different rolls on them. That was cool. That’s something I would like. Give me higher level bosses or activities that have a loot pool unique to them. Different rolls is awesome as it will keep me hunting. But right now they are making everything easy to obtain and we don’t have anything we need to kit our characters out for to chase.
They are more efficient.
Normal ubers: 1 ticket, 1 bucket of drops
200 ubers: 3 tickets, 5 buckets of drops
Meaningless, it’s the same loot pool. It gives me nothing to chase. I don’t care if I get 5 godslayers vs 1. Give them stuff that can only drop from them. Make people want to farm them.
So you wont be chasing greater affixes? Efficiency would help with that.
This part I really dont like. Both S4, and everything that has happened since release, feels like a bunch of step backs. With the gameplay being shortened and dumbed down.
But I certainly also dont like the idea of hiding specific items behind a single boss.
One of the most fundamental A-RPG design aspects in my view, is that everything should potentially be able to drop everywhere (within reason, such as difficulty level). Finding the best unique or a zod rune by destroying a barrel? Definitely. It should just be incredibly unlikely to ever happen.
i strongly recommend you to try PD2. This is what exactly D2 should look like.
if somehow PD2 will be on D2R engine - easily one of the best if not the best ARPG on a market.
If there were endgame where it mattered I would. Otherwise I don’t care about it. It’s not needed to obtain every item in the game.
Except for people that are competing in the Leaderboards, it is. Not every aspect of every game should appeal to all of its players.
I love the Leaderboards in D3, but the same mechanic in D4 is boring AF and I cannot bring myself to even try it, mostly because D4 is currently quite boring to play.
But for those that are trying to stay at the top, fighting Tier 200 bosses to get more loot more efficiently for better chances at Greater Affixes is a huge boon, and they’ll do that over the normal variant every chance they get.