The Case in Favor of a S4 Auction House šŸ 

Maybe you donĀ“t. And I understand that if you find lobby system as good trading system :smiley:
But in any other game with half decent trading I am selling half of my stash and about 2/3 of it end successfully.

But hey I donĀ“t make any friends from it, that is true.
In my prefer trading system I am making transaction and you are making friends.
So lets say we are both winners.

considering how many hate post about jsp there is compared to the amount of member of jsp there was i doubt itā€™s simply a ā€œminorityā€
all the players i knew left D2 due to that and we only played among our group of 15 without trading due to that.
simply because seeing zod rune etcā€¦ for a few cents and RMT ruining any kind of true reset in ladder and hardcore mode etcā€¦ was sickening to us.

which led to the prevention of trading in D3 speaking of which.
or post like this with hundred of likes for example at the start of d4 forum

eitherway now itā€™s plain to see : there is more bots than actual players in D2 / D2R which is kinda sad.

donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s not insulting post or smthing like that, itā€™s just a simple statistic.
In every ARPG game that have 2 types of leagues/seasons (whatever you will call it) majority of playerbase(around 90%) play league with full open trading. Minority(like 10% or even less) play SSF based. Itā€™s just simple statistic, like it or not, it is what it is.

Than again about jsp, RMT and bots. JSP was created cuz first of all D2 had not enough currency and it was pretty hard to trade anything. Yeah you can buy fg via your credit card and etc but 99% of users of JSP never bought anything via real money. But itā€™s pointless to discuss here, cuz it has nothing to do with open trading.

My position about bots and etc. things - i donā€™t care about them in 100$ game. Itā€™s not a free game as PoE for example. Itā€™s not my problem at all. Itā€™s a blizzard problem, they should do smthing with that. Restriction of trading is not a way to deal with it. For example you wonā€™t restrict trading with cash in real life cuz people can buy smthing illegal with cash. Not a problem for ordinary people, itā€™s a government problem, literally same should be in the game.

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Next time copy the entire context instead of picking out what you want to address. If you continue reading I say ā€¦ Its okay to have different opinions.

My opinion is it didnā€™t suck
Their opinion it sucks.

2 different opinions and its okay to have different opinions.

Lets both be winners. Each system has its proā€™s and conā€™s.

Nah, its a horrible idea.

Elaborate or be quiet.

no trading and no AH it always leads to p2w.


Too late. Trading is being massively expanded. Relying on third party sites with 99% of items tradable is no longer acceptable. Sure I dont like it but I see what is needed for the overall masses and they want it so give it to them.

Nah, its a horrible idea.

AH no!!. Thanks, more than sufficient.

Thank you, you are one of few who is able to see beyond their opinion. Others should teach from you.

The devs are extremely anti-trading.

Play Path of Exile if you want an ARPG with a trade economy.

All items tradable but ubers in S4. How can u say this???

Urza my man , lol that is one heck of an interesting lotta work write up dude well done ā€¦I like it i donā€™t care i like it ā€¦I hope Blizzard takes notice of this scroll for the lack of a better term lolā€¦ bravoā€¦

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Thanks fren!!!

i agree an ah would be nice. though some things i disagree with. dont raise the gold cap, we dont need items costing 90bil. also dont need the mythical nonsense of preference in ah. also dont need blizz selling ah memberships. just make it plain and simple vanilla wow type ah. but i do love the idea that anything bought in ah is automatically account bound so you prevent people flipping items. that is a wonderful idea

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See this blizz?


Auction house would be nice to have so we donā€™t have to keep going to 3rd party websites. I would like as much as possible to have everything in the game Iā€™m playing stay in the game Iā€™m playing

Here are 3 of my last trades in dtrade site.

1] Buying item. Put in required gold and accept. Price had been agreed on. Buyer puts in item and then just sits there. Finally cancels it and then said price went up as another guy is paying more in discord. I match. Goes up 3 more times. I match. I win again but buyer ghosts me and sold it without telling me to third buyer for less than I was originally going to pay. WTF

2] Selling item. Im selling for 1B. Guy comes and wants and puts 5B in trade. I say um what it was 1B. Guy insists it was 5B and hits accept. I hit accept and wonder how the eff did I just make extra 4b??? Guy never said anything after like wrong item or price or anything. Just pays 4B extra.

3] SElling very high value focus. Auction it in one day and 6 differnt ppl buy at 15B or 14B. All 6 ghosts me next day and have to settle for 12B.

ITs such a terrible way to trade. I did like the 4 extra billion one though. Thanks my guy!