This game badly needs

The game is in dire need of an action house and a loot filter.

I’ve been using the trade website but just like poe trade website it is very painful to use, often requiring to message many people to try find someone at the computer willing to trade.

There is still way too much loot to look through that I end up just looking at items with a GA and ignoring the rest. As it’s just too time consuming. Need a loot filter asap!

Yah the devs are trying but the site is an absolute nightmare. So many trades fall through. PPL are camping it 24 / 7 so if u see a cheap item from 12 min ago its gone already and nobody bothers to ever tell u in chat so you have 95% of your offers are just ghosted. PPL sell items after agreeing on price all the time. Then they never show up or msg. Then u sell an item to somebody and then wait and they msg 3 days later and say oh I bought a different cheaper one. ITs really horrible experience but that is what we have.

My worst experience was an awesome 6 mana and flame shield chest I wanted forever and guy put it for sale at good price. I bought it and he responded and I added him and he had it in the window and I was putting in money when he cancelled and sold it to somebody else for more. I dint even get a chance to counter bid. He just left and unfren and ghost. I then sent him a dtrade msg saying I wanted that so bad I would have went to 1.5B. You dint even give me a chance. Hope it smarted him as he sold it for 600m as he changed price on the item in the sold dtrade thing.

loot filter was a issue now its nor here nor there imo

Pick all GA up ignore the rest unless you need the gold/mats

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There are still many items that don’t have GA that are good but will get ignored because it takes up way too much time to look through it.

Also I don’t want to see yellow items in WT4. Even hiding items without a GA might be an option people would use.

Give us a loot filter so we can see what we want to see.

Nobody would buy items from underneath u and resell them in my AH because it would become account bound on purchase. ITs a major improvement to previous D3 version.

As far as loot filters go I think we do need someway to address rares all over.

My own suggestion is that the pet turns rares into crystals for you while you have some sort of toggle for it set to ON.

Yes, I like how last epoch does that as it prevents re-sellers.