Tempest Roar where are you?

Why does this thing not drop!? I’m getting tons of the same unique ring over and over. I’m absolutely disgusted with this class right now. Here’s to rngesus.


Its sleeping, please just let it live it’s life.

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bro ive opened like 50 “mystery chests” and still have not got that helm

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When they update druid unique drop table theyll buff tempest drop rate so we’ll all be able to make stormclaw/werenado :copium:

I am about to give up on my Druid because I can’t find tempest howl. I’ve been playing pulverize since lvl 1. I’m ready to try something new.


I play Lightning storm since level 1 to level 84 now im done trying to get this unique that will never drop because of a bugged loot table i switch to Pulverize because this skill unique helmet drop is so easy to find and Lightning storm without Tempest Roar you can’t even scales the skill well… it was a great experience but i will not play Lightning storm ever again until i find this helmet.

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I just love getting barbarian uniques on my druid instead of the helm I need that’s gating my options of builds. Ffs blizzard, fix this!


I didn’t get one until 97, and then just got two more back to back sigils. All 3 were end of dungeon rewards.

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I’ve gotten several Razorplate(thorns) uniques…2 barb upheaval maces and a barb deathblow mace in a row. Not even getting druid specific uniques at 90 lol Rng has not been kind so far.

I finally found a spot I can farm 3-4 uniques an hour, so now it’s raining copies of the same uniques I already sold to vendors!
Crones, Rings, Barb Weapons, Companion Set Parts (probably worst build in the game, even lower than minionmancer), Frost Gloves…

Playing HC, multiple bears in WT4, not one single helm. Hell I cant even get the Pulv helm as much as I hate pulv its worse incomplete at lv80+.

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