Tempest Roar Spooky Action In Inventory, Odd Bug Noted With Equipment

Hi Everyone!

Just adding a little more info to the Tempest Roar discussion that people may or may not find interesting/helpful.

So I was very lucky a few days ago and finally dropped a TR at level 94 (yay!). I did a respec to make use of it and over the past few days some very odd behavior around it as an item.

It’s hard to describe, but I noticed that every so often I would log in, and my character would no longer have the TR equipped, and in it’s place would be a different helmet. In my case it was a symbiotic sovereign helm, with a similar skin as the TR. At first I didn’t pick up on this until I noticed some of my storm skills not showing up on my bar while I was in werewolf mode. The TR would remain in my inventory, always in the very first slot (top left).

Now, here is where it gets interesting. At first I thought I must have just mashed keys and somehow equipped something else. No big deal. I put the TR back on and went about my business. But this happened again the next day a 2nd and 3rd time, and by yesterday morning I realized wasn’t just swapping helms, I was getting a new legendary item I DID NOT have before. Basically, I was generating symbiotic sovereign helms when I logged in every so often. These were items I did not have in my inventory prior to this. Each time, the TR would be bumped to the first slot of my inventory.

It was very odd behavior, and I’ve got no idea what caused it. That being said, it does seem to indicate that there’s some weirdness going on with the helm. I’m not saying this is why people are finding the helmet difficult to find, RNG is RNG after all, but it could be an exasperating/contributing factor to the problem. I’m not an expert, but it definitely seems like the game loaded in my character and the TR in my helm slot was getting swapped with another item. I never lost my helm, it was always back in my inventory in that first slot. But it’s like the game went “What was the helm here? TR? No, Something else.” Then pop, brand new legendary symbiotic sovereign helm with an identical skin. Funky.

If a similar mechanism could take place on the drop, it could mean that there is some weirdness going on with the item. Again, I am not an expert or anything, but I wanted to put it out there in case people find this info interesting. I never noticed anything like this with any of my other helms, and I rocked a variety of Vasily iterations from about 53-93.