Tempest roar droprate / loot table bug

I’m fairly patient, but about to reach the end of what I can accept with this druid loot table issue. I’m lvl 89, I have had 12 Vasilis prayer helmets drop, 0 Tempest roar. I have about the same amount of bear chest, and a couple of wolf chests. A handful of barbarian weapons (dropped to my only character, the druid.)
I understand RNG and all that, but we all know something is wrong here and it’s not being fixed.
The reason it’s not acceptable is youbuild the game in such a way, that you are done at 100. There’s nothing to do past 100, or tbh past 60 really, but at any rate, you reach 100 and still haven’t gotten a chance to play the build you want to play, that’s it. You’re done with your whole run of your chosen class. (literally anything that isn’t bear, needs tempest roar to be anywhere near comparable) Of course if you are extremely interested and competitive, and don’t have anything else to do what so ever, you can play the same class again in seasons, but that’s a pretty limited demographic.
I’m giving it another couple of level, but if I cant even try anything but bear for more then 8 levels during a full playthrough, I’m out of motivation.
This is feedback, not whining or a threat.

edit, nr 13 just dropped.
thats 5 in 5 days and in a row

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This is my exact experience as well. Down to the same Uniques. My gut tells me that this isn’t just bad luck. Feels like a bug. Unfortunately Blizz will probably just hide behind the “Thats RNG” excuse and not get this fixed.

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Not sure if you are still having issues but I may have found a work around. This is only based on my experience and what I’ve seen after I implemented this so take it with a grain of salt. TLDR delete your character and then undelete it and see if that fixes your drop.

For a longer explanation I made a new druid to level with a friend and after reaching T3 noticed that I was getting not only more unique drops but a wider variety of them. Given that my original druid was created before the patch which was meant to fix its loot table I had a thought that the table my high level druid was rolling from may be stuck referencing only items it had looted before or items from a distinct loot bucket (non class specific uniques). I have seen behavior similar to this at work with SQL tables and joined data not updating for certain users until they are retired and unretired. That made me decide to go ahead and delete the druid and undelete it in an attempt to force it to roll on the “new” loot table post patch. My very next unique was a Crone staff and I’ve only seen one Vasily’s since then which was about a week ago. Give it a go, maybe it will work, or maybe I’m just grasping at straws and looking for answers where there are none lol