Tempest Roar doesn’t exist!

Give us the option to trade the repeate uniques for the ones we actually want please, 346 hours played, 2 temerity, 1 storms companion, 17 Vasilys, 6 insatiable fury, 1 mad wolfs glee, 3 great staff of the crone, 21 hunters zenith ( rediculous by the way) can’t even count how many fist of fate as I have started selling them, 8
Penitent greaves, 7 frost burn, 4 razorplates, 2 hell hammer, 2 anchients fury ( yay broken loot table) .

Don’t get me wrong I have seen a fair amount of uniques and that’s cool, but you have to be kidding me with the lack of this one drop, clearly there is an issue here.