Is it just me or does the Tempest Roar Unique just not exist?

I’ve been farming it every day, my druid is now level 83 and I’ve gotten every Druid unique other than this damn helmet. Its not supposed to be one of those SUPER rare items yet it feels like it is.

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79 and haven’t seen it. In fact, no unique helmets have dropped for me at all so far. I guess it’s good I’m not planning to try that stormwolf build until some future season.

Aye… One level behind you and in the same boat.

Gotten the werebear one 3 or 4 times though… Not even a crone seen either. I just keep trying.

lvl 81 three razorplates 3 pen boots chill ones, no tempest or staff. so frustrating

I’ve got a ton but have only had 2 temerity drop. RNG at its finest and honestly I don’t mind.

I have gotten 4 in the past week, i’m lvl 94.