Tempering busted?

Really fun here folks. Can not get a good temper on any good items. Keep getting the same result over and over again. Same exact roll like 13 times in a row last time so had to throw a lot of potential good stuff away. Why is so many rolls the same exact result in a row?? So frustrating!!


It’s a feature not a bug.

S5 better improve upon this, no one likes tempering.


You don´t know? It is fun.
It is so cool to wait for drop for weeks and than desroy it 15 second after. Can´t you see how good and fun this is? Looks like you need more medicine.


Poor coding of Pseudo-Random Number Generator. Seed probably not always properly refreshed between rolls.


Probably just RNG being random, but seeing repeat results on same item a lot more recently. Caused a few bricks.

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Evidence pending, I presume.

This is not a thing.

Nonsense. Again; evidence pending, I presume.

Hats off to you in creating an actual post with data that basically showed RNG just being RNG.

However youll never convince those with tin foil hats or feelings.

You want me to provide evidence of a random number generator being random. Because that’s what you’re asking for, but I don’t think that’s what you’re looking for.

Pathological already has a post up where he tempered 3000 times and posted the data.

Its somewhere on the fourms im sure you can find it.

OK. So what was the result? Was RNG being random? Was there a predictable pattern?

Because right now his post challenges the concept of the tempering system being random AND the tempering system not being random. So which is it?

Well i mean it depends how you interpret tge data. It was on a manual with 4 outcomes which total results ranged between 23-27% so id say variance displayed the % chance. No one in the community has duplicated it.

There were some responses where they “wrote their own script” to prove it was weighted. It was kinda humorous.

Because it hasnt been replicated by anyone we have a theroy with data but its not science until being replicated.

Try rolling a dice and getting the same value 13 times in a row. Possible but you might be trying for years without succeeding. This is RNG being random. Getting the exact same roll multiple time is RNG not being so random. I am absolutely not implying that there is any weighting in tempering. There is none. But, I also experienced getting the same roll multiple times, more often then I would in a true random process. I least that’s my feeling. I was just a bit provocative with my post but sometimes I wonder if the way the RNG is coded in the game does not favour this kind of situation.

In the end, tempering has not been a bad experience for me. Didn’t always get what I wanted but not that many of my items have been made totally unusable. D4 RNG is what it is and I can live it.

You claimed “poor cooding of pseudo-random number generator, seed probably not always properly refreshed between rolls”.

Both of those things are mathematically quantifiable. They do not exist in the data that currently exists. If you have contradictory evidence, post it. If you don’t, don’t say nonsense.

Even if the data I provided did not exist, what you are saying is literally speculative nonsense without any form of evidence to support it.

I claimed no such thing. Apparently you are confusing me with someone else. I suggest you go back and and reread the thread more carefully.

You’re right, I thought you were the first guy. Anyway, your claim is also nonsense without evidence, but at least it’s reasonably explained away by normal human confirmation bias, so I apologize.

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So my claim that I think the RNG is being random and I had a few items bricked is nonesense? Because that’s all I claimed.

You really need to go back and read the thread more carefully. Why are you picking a fight with someone who isn’t disagreeing with you?

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It doesn’t matter if it’s random or not. The fact that bricking happens and it happens to an item you’re so excited to see finally drop feels like crap. We don’t need to litigate the “why” or the “how” when it’s the “what” that sucks so much.

Just make bricking stop happening. It’s miserable.


Maybe I should just delete my post. I was more of a joke. It seems the subject is still sensitive.
Just to make it clear. There is no weighting when it comes to tempering or masterworking.

I mean you technically brick nothing. You have an incomplete item on drop. An item only is completed after tempering. So you find a 3/5 and temper to see if it turns out 3/5, 4/5 or 5/5. The system is better then what we had in the past but the system is simplified giving people more control over the outcome for the final 2 aff.

Now i do believe they need to tighten up manuals with the same # of stat possibilities. If its 4, 5 or 6 keep it the same. They should also group the outcomes better for example FO and FB shouldnt be on the same manual. This give better control to the user.

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Its not that big of a deal. Its a video game. Approach it as a mature, rational adult and you wont get upset over pixels.