Teleport / Leap / Dash skill too short distance on Playstation

Dear Blizzard, please check this console critical issue that hundreds users reported:


I agree this is a big issue to me , I had to get a feel for it to make it work as is but this needs improvement.

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I agree and also skills like hydra, fire wall etc. let us aim with the right stickļ¼ļ¼

dharc tried everything that he could to get the devs attention ļ¼ˆtwitter, youtube and this forumļ¼‰ but they r just ignoring it

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Should we make a community vote and send directly to Blizzard office? There are so many console players, we should fight for our benefits. Honestly, if we not raise our voice, we should forget all about PVP.

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I played the server slam on both PC and PS5. Itā€™s actually shocking how much further you can teleport on PC. Canā€™t believe Blizzard doesnā€™t think this is an issue.

If they canā€™t allow us to aim it manually with the right stick, just make Teleport go the maximum distance every time. Iā€™d rather go as far as possible than teleport 2 feet randomly sometimes.


This is a geat ideaļ¼

Actually they made D3 on console with very good Teleport distance, moved as far as possible.