Tal Rasha is bugged, gives 1 less stack than anticipated

A major problem for sorc is the fact that it requires a crapload of CDR, and the options to get CDR from rings are very… “limited”. Bandaid of Tal’rasha’s solves two issues: damage and CDR.

Well, so we thought with the damage part.

I’m just curious, has this been confirmed it’s providing one less stack

By the devs? Not to my knowledge.

Apparently it made it into the Hotfix as it is listed in PezRadar’s post over in PC General Discussion.

Oh nice, when does the hotfix drop?

It’s dated today, but apart from that no idea.

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Awesome, ty Drk. Im looking forward to logging in tomorrow, cant say that every day lol

Lurkin, could you run the tests again and see if the hotfix actually fixed the issue? Would appreciate it a lot. I’d do it myself but not very good at it. You use a DOT or something to do the testing?

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Go to dummy, check your skill bar. Make a note on the damage of a skill. Hit the dummy with a skill to get 1 point of TR. Check the damage of the noted skill. If it went up, the fix worked, as it was the first stack that did nothing. You’ll need to make sure other buffs like exploit glyph arent in play.

Did my testing but it doesn’t assuage my fears.

Naked with wand - Firebolt - 256 dmg. Did it several times and got results around that number.

Naked with wand and tal rasha - Firebolt - 251 dmg. Did it several times and got results around that number.

As far as I can tell 1 stack doesn’t add 15% dmg.

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if not for the fact how important cdr for sorcs is, i would have gotten rid of my GA CDR tal’rasha’s a long time ago.

I didnt notice any damage increase with the buff tbh

Which is exactly why I’m looking to the pros for confirmation, since my amateur testing tells me nothing was fixed.

Glad to see the ‘fix’ made tal rasha give us negative damage :broken_heart: :cry:.

Kidding aside, make sure when you test that it is single shot damage with 5 seconds in between each other. Some skills and glyphs incrementally rev up damage.

Also when you do your A / B test, when you take off or put on new gear, leave the training room, wait 5 minutes and re-enter. There is a damage snapshotting issue where the effects of an equipment change are not immediately realized

Good to know. Well I will leave the testing up to people who know what they are doing, because the randomness of it makes it hard for me.

Yes please, lmao! The fact that the players have zero trust in the devs and want player confirmation of a hotfix tells you everything you need to know about the state of D4. :skull:

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Looks like the first stack works; thanks again Lurkin.

Incinerate tooltip is 680k no buffs, with 1 stack it went to 782k.

My burn ticks with everything up was at 9-9.5 mil, now seeing ticks in the 11-12m range.

The bug was fixed yesterday.

HOTFIX 1 - June 20 - 1.4.3


Fixed an issue where Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop was not granting the correct damage bonus at full stacks as intended

You missed the point, we didn’t trust them it was fixed

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To make matters worse, we only have 3 innate elemental types.