Tal Rasha is bugged, gives 1 less stack than anticipated

Made a reddit post about it, linked data. Title is “Tal Rasha is confirmed bugged. You get 1 less stack then anticipated. Data included.” I can’t post links here.

When they reduced the stack cap from 5 to 4, they messed it up and just reduced the stacks you actually get by 1. At 3 stacks you get 2 stacks of damage. at 4 stacks you get 3 stacks of damage. At 5 stacks, the tooltip will stay at 4 stacks, but you get 4 stacks worth of damage. Plz fix.


+1 to this man, please help Sorc

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Holy crap is that some bush league coding. With programmers that bad, no wonder the game is still a half-baked mess a year post-release.


This is the team that broke Rapid Fire 3 time this season so far lol. My guess is the whole thing is a spaghetti nightmare that no one actually fully understands.



N = TR stacks active
Number of TR stacks to damage = n -1

Triple A budget. Thanks for testing.

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Maybe this is why when I switched my Tal Rasha ring and everyone told me I was crazy because of additive damage/vs multiplicative damage it felt like much more damage with a single GA ring with AS, CC, and Vuln damage and two tempers.

Tal Rasha is an horrible ring design, they should get rid of it, and buff Sorc damage in other ways. Not give us something that is MUST BE in every build.


Lets see those other methods of buffing first, TR has great stats. Nonphysical is great (till 300% at least) and cooldown is always useful. Many specs also get good use from the mana regen.

I agree it is good temporary solution, and should only be changed after they resolved Sorc general problems.

Although taking it out now might force them to deal with Sorc structural problems and fix it earlier.

could you post this in bug report ?thank you

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Wtf!?? For real!? No wonder damage has been terrible! But I also agree that the ring is just poorly designed to begin with. Having to use one of each element +1 is very limiting to build diversity but the ring is just too powerful not to use and “auto include” items never feel good. Same thing with “auto include” aspects like Conceited and Storm swell.

If sorcerer damage was buffed at baseline and all of those mandatory removed to free up slots for more interesting things the class would be in MUCH better shape overall. It would also allow focusing on more than one skill at a time because there are currently simply not enough aspect slots to do it.

You should try a well rolled legendary 1 or 2 GA affix ring with proper tempering and masterworking to 8. I’m telling you, you may find it better! I think the only thing the legendary cant get is cooldown. The damage affix can roll higher (is non-physical mult or additive I dont know) and you can get resource gen or reduction on a temper.

I got 4 stacks on my tal’rasha’s, but I had to get a non-fire/cold/light element as a lucky hit on one of my weaps.

Non Physical is great up to 1000%, if you could get it that high, if you are a Conjurer build.

The OP is saying that the tooltip is not reflecting reality because they screwed up a line in the code somewhere when they capped it at 4 stacks. So now even if it shows you 4 stacks in reality you have one less. Almost every sorc build is running either poison or shadow damage on their weapon precisely so they can get the 4th stack.

oh i see, that means a leg ring is prob a ton better

So I should remove the ring now and try a different aspect. Since Battlecaster’s got buffed I have extra aspects. Sad, but Talrasha goes into the crapper for now.

True, actually. I guess i meant in practice.

I mean it’s not that bad, it’s still a separate 45% damage multiplier which is actually incredibly good. It’s just that it could be a lot better, namely 60%, if these devs weren’t so blatantly incompetent. I mean these are super basic coding mistakes, something that no one who writes code professionally should be making.

/exasperated sigh

45% only if you use a build that allows you to slap poison/shadow on lucky hit weapon temper. normally, you’d only deal fire/cold/lightning, which equals 3 stacks → 2 in reality

PSA: divine damage from tyrael’s is not considered elemental damage and will not proc it