Suggestions to the Blizzard Team

Hello Blizzard Team,

Here are a couple suggestions I have come up with while playing your game. I am a Barb only player so only will be giving Barb suggestions as a class. I have countless hours playing, Two lvl 100 Barbs and working on 2 lvl 100 barbs hardcore. I will update this post with other suggestions. I know some are prob repeats from others, but still would like to share my ideas.

*** Nightmare Dungeon ***

  1. Put a “Treasure Chest” icon on a “Nightmare Sigil” to show the player this dungeon hasn’t been run yet to receive the codex.

  2. Put a “Symbol” on a “Nightmare Sigil” to indicate what mob type are found in this dungeon.\

  3. When clicking on a Sigil it bring you into the dungeon NOT outside it.

*** Account Wide ***

  1. Glyphs

*** Barbarian ***

  1. Why do all Barb builds have to use 3 Shouts? This needs to be addressed.

*** MISC ***

  1. Remove Mount cooldown

  2. Stop having mounts drop when the account already has it. Example: If Reins of the Caldeum Steed drops, I use it and have access to it. I should no longer see Reins of the Caldeum Steed drops, but this isn’t the case. We shouldn’t see this drop anymore as our account has it.

  3. Whispering Keys stack higher than 12

  4. Elixers do not go away after DC or logout

  • Adding -
    Allow use to transmog unique items