Allow Unique Transmog

Hello Blizzard,

Why are we not able to salvage uniques and get that item as a transmog? I picked up a Azurewrath sword and would love to transmog my 1h swords with this.

Please upvote this post so they put this into the game!



uh, i think we can, can’t we?

Well as much as I like the idea that will never happen. Uniques also come with specific stats that are to work along with the aspect.

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Nope, I went to salvage a full inventory of uniques and you do not get the icon showing it will be a transmog.

Yea you’re actually right, I could have sworn I had done it but it’s not there. That sucks. Another basic element missing from the game

Uniques have to be sold snd not salvaged for transmog.

Rares have to be salvaged to get the transmog though.

:no_mouth: :paintbrush: :clown_face: devs brain

I don’t think any of the unique’s are actually unique in their transmogs. Pretty sure they all share appearances with something else.

Tempest Roar has small tiny horns and the same transmog exists with other gear. One has bigger horn and other shaped.

:no_mouth: :paintbrush: :clown_face: even uniques have no own unique transmog

It’s intentional for unique items with unique looks that you can’t transmog them. The devs said it but I forgot where.

I’d like to see the justification for that

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IMO thats stupid. Most Uniques are TRASH in this game, but some look pretty cool. Seeing no one will actually use 90% of the uniques, at least let use transmog them!! LOL

A lot of unique weapons have their own model.

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The barb ones are different for sure. Wish I could have a couple like my OP says. Hope blizzard changes their mind on this.

Agree. Uniques should give appearance.

Totally agree, Azurewrath is da bomb , another casual suggestion that’s a win.

uh no. if you aint using the unique then you shouldnt be able to transmog and pretend