Suggestions and Thoughts

After playing Diablo 4 on Xbox for the weekend. Here are some thoughts or suggestions.

  1. menu/inv/abilities screen looks dated maybe you could add some customization, change the color or back drop.
  2. in the ability screen I feel it needs a mini pop up menu when you hover a skill to see it in action, just like you had on char creation on Diablo 3. Its not a huge deal but would be helpful in making skill choices.
  3. I ran into a issue in a few different dungeons where there was a path between objects on the map, but a invisible wall kept me from passing through that spot even with a relog.
  4. I noticed some people saying upgrades cost to much, this could be true a level 3 upgrade on a legendary was 51k that does seem high, but then again in real game maybe it will balance out.
  5. I do not care for the removal of right stick dodge on the console, it seems forgein especially seeing that the days up to this event I was playing D3 Season 28.
  6. New features that were neat. I like the resource collecting for potions and weapon upgrades. Also love the fact they don’t hog up main inventory. I also enjoyed some of the new skills. The events in the game are really well done. I like the fact you can solo or group them. I also think the level scaling is a great idea. it kept the challenge there no matter where you went. even if you backtrack to a previous area.

Great Job so far, cant wait to see my 2 favorite classes next weekend, hopefully the polish you can put on this game before June will make it exceptional. Thanks for the fun!

Some of my own feedback (don’t see the point in creating 10k individual posts on personal feedback so I’m listing mine below this well titled post) :

  1. Love the diversity that was put into the game, it feels like every time I exit a town I stumble on some interesting event and they’re more varied than ever, huge plus.

  2. Love the fact that I can stumble randomly on other players and help each other take down whatever evil is happening nearby. I got a little surprised that following a random person going in a dungeon separated us while in the dungeon, though I understand why it might be more efficient to do so on your end.

  3. Love the enemy scaling, it makes it so every encounter can give me level appropriated loot, makes the zones hugely replayable and overall puts in light how good is my current build since the enemies are generally the same in term of challenge. I think without enemy scaling the diversity of random events would be a little mute since they wouldn’t be able to provide meaningful loot, just inventory-cluttering bad items.

  4. I almost couldn’t find the enchantment system for the sorcerer on PS4 : its way too tricky to find : I expected it to be apparent when in the skills menu (since its skill related) but it wasn’t highlighted enough for me to find easily. I wouldn’t be surprised if a good amount of players never found it this week-end, especially on console.

  5. I never found the quest that gives access to a horse even though I played a good 10-12 hours :frowning: , maybe that quest could be harder to miss out on or already highlighted in a different color on the map when entering the appropriated zone. I would have 100% jumped on it to gain access to better mobility but couldn’t find it for the life of me. It forced me to walk around all week-end which felt a little dumb knowing there was a horse vendor (unavailable) in several towns.

  6. Sadly the World Boss timer didn’t make a lot of sense for EDT players on sunday, and since the beta locked me out most of saturday I just lost any chance of fighting it (I definitely will make it next week-end though!).
    Making it only appear at 4AM EDT on sunday made it downright impossible to try for most EDT players, I wish the timers were more spread in order to cover the most played hours of every time zones.

  7. Might be unimportant, but the fact that there’s a small fade-in animated when you hover over each item in your inventory slows down how quick I can look at items to decide if I should sell them or not. Halving the timer on that fade would make it a lot more enjoyable on console imo since I wouldn’t spend nearly the same time looking at gear and more time actually playing.

  8. Another small issue : Since “X” on Playstation is used to skip through dialogue and also used to start a dialogue, spamming X to skip NPCs dialogues would very often make me re-talk to them again and lead me through some wonky “don’t skip too fast” road, canceling the point of skipping it in the first place. I would have preferred if either there was a small 1-sec timer at the end of a dialogue before you can re-talk to the same NPC or if the skip button was “circle” (pressed shortly) on PS4 to prevent this issue.

Overall I loved my experience and was pleasantly surprised by how much diversity the devs added to the game, I think that part and the enemy scaling is great, so koodos for putting these hugely promising systems in place.