Suggestions and Feedback to improve the game

Here is a list of things that imo need improvement / change

Currently, the game doesn’t deliver the feeling of creating a build. Instead I’m just “finding” a premade build.

  • (damage) affixes on legendary items are to strong and built defining (eg. 80% flat crit-chance on whirlwind) this makes these items practically a set item and absolutely mandatory (BiS)
  • to many general damage increases. damage to (insert general condition here) feels less interesting then damage to a specific element (fire, ice or even physical)
  • are different legendary mats for Armor/Weapon/Jewelry really necessary?
  • not a big fan of item powerlevel

Abilities / Skilltree

  • currently, every ability has 1 upgrade (non-choice) and 2 “runes” to pick from. I’d like to see more options to create build diversity and deliver the feeling of actually creating my own build (D3 had 5 runes per ability vs 2 in D4)
  • In some cases reconfiguring skills requires tedious management due to the skill-point requirements. This could be fixed by allowing the player to breach the skill-point cap temporarily to change skills around.
  • make the filter highlights more visible (the filter highlight and skill highlight currently share the same color)
  • increase the importance and impact from the skilltree vs random items I find (Items should enhance the build instead of making it)


  • I found myself teleporting back to town after completing around 80% of a dungeon due to full inventory.
  • gems shouldn’t take up inventory space
  • all items take up the same amount of inventory space (ring vs 2-handed mace)

online play

  • add an offline / solo mode
  • world bosses feels underwhelmingly weak (giant loot piñata)
  • potential loot meta of repeatedly running open world events! (pls avoid this)


  • add sick boss battle music
  • The Butcher: maybe add sound queue just before he arrives (eg. League of Legends Sion Ult creates a “oh sh*t he`s coming” effect) + cool music to enhance/empower the uniqueness of this encounter


  • add an option to show an hp+resource bar above my character
  • easier/faster access to important stats like crit, res, etc.
  • add a transparent map option that still allows gameplay
  • transparency slider for minimap
  • sucks in general (mobile game vibes) (sorry, I know this isn’t constructive criticism but it just looks odd)


  • Healing Potions feel potentially too strong (gameplay possibility: facetank-dps-check to get the additional potion drops to continue facetanking)
  • Dungeon layout rather repetitive (go to point a and b to open the door)
  • cellar layout is always the same

Last but not least I’d like to mention some positive things too. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw in the Beta. The visuals and the audio design are outstanding. The gameplay feels tight and just right. Hitting things is just very satisfying. The general “vibe” is very immersive with how gory and dark everything is. I hope that at least some of my mentioned points are relevant and helpful for blizzard to make this an even better game.


Completely unrealistic to expect offline mode. Its not what the game is built about.