[Suggestion] Delay the HC race until season 1

Can they die? Sure.

But video games are typically designed so that you will die the first time. After all, games which are a cake walk and can be one shot by the player tend to fade into obscurity really quickly. There always needs to be some challenge, even if it’s not that much.

Is it in the end a pointless challenge? Of course. But some of us are competitive though. But to give you an example, let’s say I challenge a person to the NES game Castlevania. I’m not the best player at it, but I can beat the game typically on one play through (no continues). Find me a person though who’s never played the game before, and have them do it on 1 credit, let alone beat my time. And even if I die, I’ll still probably have time to make that up.

Now, it is true that yes, there are more than streamers to contend with that will make the contest unfair. Some will be friends of Blizzard with more knowledge than most people. Some will find exploits where Blizzard put a decimal place in the wrong place. Others will account share, and some will bot. And even then, some players will end up getting miracle drop after miracle drop from the game whereas others get garbage.

But just because you can’t make the game 100% fair does not invalidate the complaint that removing an extremely obvious advantage that can be remedied should happen.

The people getting angry about the HC race because they didn’t buy the deluxe edition need to go and take a long hard look in the mirror and re-evaluate the important things in their life.

I can’t imagine what kind of giga-neckbeard feels cheated about not having their in-game username plastered on a crappy statue outside of a company which has been dragged through the dirt recently amidst sexual allegations and employee pay disputes :joy:


I’m willing to bet most don’t even play HC. Some might try but HC players are a different breed

This is part of trial and error and skill. Many games these days are made through genre defining experiences where overall game knowledge of said genre will determine whether a player lives or dies. Though, not to many games have a hardcore mode, however Diablo has had it since Diablo II. but this does not negate overall game knowledge in terms of genre.

The Hardcore first playthrough still applies with your scenario in Diablo IV. Streamers/ content creators may have had time playing the game through review copies. That doesn’t mean they will play Hardcore though even with the contest. Some may, like Wudijo, Krip, Raxx, and Mr LamaSC however, that doesn’t mean they will end up being the 1000. Upsets can always happen.

Delaying won’t change the outcome of specific streamers getting freebies. This is the way of any competitive environment. The reality is said streamer/ content creator has earned there recognition and will receive special privilege’s. That is the nature of already having reputation.

Delaying the contest to Season 1 won’t change that because odds are, streamers/ content creators will always have inside knowledge and or firsthand experience by PTR. Also, who knows, maybe in Season 1 something else will be on the line whether it is a special skin or mount.

Just because a streamer played earlier because review copies does not mean said advantage will equal to being the top 1000. Just like in all competitions, new blood comes in and upsets happen and new players come forth.

That’s true, they could just be awful. But it does present an extreme advantage.

Sure, but having an advantage only works if you have the skill to use it. Knowledge is indeed part of the battle but it doesn’t win you the war. You still have to execute to make the knowledge mean something.

Sure, bad things can happen, such as they get a lag spike or crash at an inopportune time, or make a stupid mistake. But while players can make stupid mistakes, that tends to be rare in the grand scheme of things.

Not having knowledge though? That’s common. While upsets can happen, it’s not as common as you’re making it out to be.

And delaying it to Season 1 would almost certainly change things. Maybe they still get in the top 1000, but their place would almost certainly drop. As more people get knowledge, the playing field equalizes.

As an example, with Diablo 3 on Season Starts. I almost always beat the streamers to Level 70. And I’m not a professional. Just because they are professionals, does not mean they have the best strats. But good strats are almost always better than no strats.

And if there was a delay, it’s almost certain that the meta would be different than what the streamers say it is. Because with more people, someone is bound to find a flaw through experience. Or they’ll find a better approach through experimentation.

No one is asking to remove the streamers freebies (e.g. early releases). Most of us can probably agree that it’s good for the game. But there needs to be a balance, and this is why other games give them a choice. They can either be a content creator with early knowledge, but unable to compete, or be at the same spot as everyone else.

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…this is actually a good idea.

Give everyone the same starting line and time to learn the game.

Well yeah but this is why something like the Olympics doesn’t allow certain athletes to use performance enhancing drugs. Sure that doesn’t guarantee a gold medal, but the goal is to have an even playing field for competitions. When you don’t have that, then the contest needs to be reevaluated. And what we have here is a flagrant violation of this.

I totally agree on this Thread. Doing a race right at the is start is a bad idea on multiple layers in my opinion:

  1. Everyone who participate in the race wants to be fast, which result in the Situation that players who might enjoy the story, will ignore the complete Story at start. If that is the intention, than we could also start the race right in the Endgame.
  2. As many already mentioned: People have unequal game experience (Invite Only/Testers vs Beta/Server Slam vs First Play at launch)
  3. Ultimate Edition Players have an unfair advantage and are multiple days ahead!
  4. I find it also problematic, that there is a difference between Group Players and Solo Self Found Players. Group Players will get an XP Buff. Most of the ARPG I play, I play in SSF mode and on every Diablo Game I do HC SSF at the start. In Diablo 3 I also ignored Haedrig’s Gift, because it felt like cheating and the gear progress with Haedrig’s Gift ruined the game for me.

So I would say that the Race should not only postponed. It should be a HC SSF Race to 100.

That is indeed the official rules for the Olympics, and I am sure the devs know what the cheating equivalent to those are. However odds are a contestant that is skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, etc. Will already have an idea of what the type of events/ games will be. Thus they will practice to that said information that is often given to them because they earned the right to compete in the Olympics.

You won’t know unless you try.

This has just as much possibilities as the current situation happening. I don’t know if it will because, that will just add further flames to the debate of seasonal VS eternal play. Not everyone will or would be interested to re roll a character on seasons and that’s even more so, on hardcore season’s because hardcore is entirely different from softcore.

This can’t be done within the given time of the contest?

What games do this that is AAA? Once you have earned you’re stripes you will always have inside information and special privilege’s. this isn’t exclusive to Activision Blizzard but with any game that have competitive scenes.

wouldve felt more like fair play that way. i thought about it as well but i ended up thinking doing it for season1 doesnt get ppl to buy the more expensive edition in any way so it wasnt as appealing to blizz :wink:

anyways it’ll feel a lot better for your first impression if you dont do that race. why rush your first time through , that’s a recipe to diminish your fun.

a whole lot of ppl are gonna get wiped between 90 to 99 after rushing mindlessly without appreciating the game. it’s a sad story.

like others have said save it for season 1 start and be done with it. its completely unfair advantage for sure but there can only be a hundred names and prob 120 people are actually going to go for it so… its only a big deal because there is nothing else to talk about

No they don’t and the fact you’re crying over something so pointless, this community never changes

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It’s about fair play. Someone who refuses to go seasonal at least has a choice. But at least they’ll know everyone starts off on an even playing field.

It really can’t. There’s a difference between 100 hours of experience and 1000 hours of experience. As mentioned above, I like to focus on Diablo 3’s season starts. I know people state that leveling tactics haven’t changed in years, but that’s just not true. Almost every season there’s been new strategies devised that are just a little bit better than the previous season, even though the tactics have been around for years. It’s just that no one has found them.

This is where I also feel people give streamers a bit too much credit. They’re more like news reporters than actual theory crafters. Sure, we all theory craft to a degree, and to some degree, yes, someone will come up with something better during the start. But do they do that at Level 9 or Level 99? Chances are at the very beginning, you’re just going with the accepted best knowledge vs choosing to experiment, especially if you’re after the rewards.

One of the games that shall not be mentioned on this forum.

Obviously you don’t think its a big deal. And that’s fine, for you. But people play for different reasons, and there’s nothing wrong with people who want to go after such an accomplishment, even if you feel it’s meaningless. But if you put yourself in their shoes for a moment, it’s immediately evident how ridiculously out of touch this contest is.

Seems like a good way for Blizzard to win over some hearts (even though you shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists, Rod really hasn’t helped by stooping to their level)

Been playing only hc diablo all my life. This should be a payoff.

Thank you.

It came to my inbox from reddit :stuck_out_tongue:
But I do appreciate you doing it.

The reason that I don’t think it is a big deal is because I can’t change it. The decision has been made by powers beyond my control. But I am going to compete regardless because with every Diablo since Diablo II, I have always only played Hardcore.

Next time you have a thought…let it go.