Stygian stones suck

I m oerflowing in boss mats but lacking on stygian stones, i ve run pit t81 a lot and i might get 1 every 10+ runs.
Am i just unlucky, is the tier too low or missing something?


Yes, you are missing running Hoards 7 or 8 for a consistent flow of stones.


If it makes you feel any better, they’re gone next season. :+1: :slight_smile:


On the bright side they’ll be gone in the next patch.

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Why are you running Pits instead of Hordes? They drop a lot in Hordes. The most I have gotten from one T7 run was 6 stones, but usually its 1 or 2.


As others said, you’re looking in the wrong place. The materials chest at the end of T7 (and especially T8) infernal hordes drops them a lot. Typically get multiples per run.

They also drop EXPONENTIALLY more masterworking materials than you’ll get from the Pit. Only reason to do Pit this season is to see how high you can push.

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I have to force myself to do hordes.
Standing in one room for 15 minutes at a time is so draining.

None of us do the little random events in the overworld/cellars/nmd that force us to stand in one place and kill spawns for 60 seconds. Ever.
But put the highest quantity of rewards there and people pretend it is engaging content.

that said, when i need mats i do a horde. Le sigh


I guess ignoring patch notes, season theme and community info will result in no stygian stones.

For everyone else, they are drowning in them.


I would argue the Pit is also useful when you are just 40 or fewer neathiron short of an upgrade to specific piece of gear and you just want to do a super quick tier 81 pit run to get what you need.

i absolutely hate the pit this season, I can blitz through a 115 pit with my skeletal mage summoner just like I did last season, but unlike last season when I get to the boss hes an absolute damage sponge that takes forever.
I did a 115 after getting my final upgrades, and I literally just Alt+F4’ed after I had blown all my CD’s and the boss HP barely moved. Pit is hugely better in season 6.


Not everyone, who can kill a tormented boss, can do t7 hordes. I was farming tormented bosses when i couldn’t do better than horde t6, before i stopped playing my way and adjusted my build for the current state of the game.

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i am playing destiny 2 till voh comes. if you want i got lots of stygian stones you can have

Players running the Pit instead of IH7 for Stygian Stones do it because they don’t have the choice. I have been in the same situation for a while. Sometimes doing Pit runs for 2 hours for a couple of Stones, even happened that I didn’t any in 20 runs. Managed the get a Shako and a Starless ring with my hard-earned Stones and finally started to be able to clear IH7.
Sure, when you can do IH7, you don’t go in the Pit any more for mats and Stones.


Pretty sure those have been amongst the best XP if you’re leveling - at least since S5.

Pits in current s5 very unrewarding
Do IF7/8
Minimum 2-8 per run

I think they made pit bosses so hard in S5 to funnel players to play IF instead

Why is anyone doing pits instead of hordes to begin with, WAY more wasted time (At least in high tier pits) for WAY less reward, there’s not even a single good reason to do pits instead of T7/8 IH

There is an extremely valid reason for doing Pit instead of IH7/8. Some players can clear Pit 101 to get Stones and masterworking mats but are unable to clear IH7. It is not a matter of choice.

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Yes, it’s often build related. I have builds I love playing for their gameplay but Hordes are super draining to do with them, so I always switch to my LS Sorc to do Hordes.
If I didn’t have that LS, Hordes would be fun, but too hard and feeling unrewarding in terms of mats.

This is why in 2.0 they convert all MW mats to Obducite, so you can farm toward fully masterworking your gear even if your build doesn’t allow you to do T3/T4.

T8 Hordes are great for stones. I have not really paid attention to previous runs but my last one got me 9 of them in T8.

Im currently at 0 stones. I would do some more helltides (sorry eternal hordes) but after 2-3 waves im falling asleep. Whats the secret not to zzzZZZzzz? Im healthy, get enough and good sleep. How can i enjoy doing helltides while retaining my energy and fun? :thinking: