Stygian Stones drop rate feels off

Why the hell is the drop rate so low for these? Been running 121 Pits and getting like 1 every 10 -15 runs…

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Getting them every 5-7 runs from Pit 60.

Yea they are definitely all over the place. I can do the pit for 2 hours straight and only get 1 and then the next time get 4 in the first 10 runs.

It wasn’t so bad when they were a byproduct of farming masterworking mats. I know RNG and all that but I don’t need masterworking mats anymore so I was only doing pit runs for stones. I’d rather they be 100% drop rate but cost way more to use so I know how many I need to do. All other boss mats are guaranteed especially with varshan about to only use hearts. Why not guarantee the stones too?

I found 11 in about 90 minutes yesterday. But that’s not the norm for me. Usually it’s about 1 for every 10 pit 101

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50x Pit 101 runs in 3 days last week for 4 stones (5 hours). I am done with the Pit and basically the season. Only reason to keep playing was trying to get the stones for Tormented Bosses. Used my stock of 20 stones for Zir, Andariel and Duriel runs. Didn’t get any Uber. Too bad but that’s the game. Can’t do it any more. Sure, I had decent days but they don’t make it for the bad ones. My drop rate is around 13.5% on 300 Pit 101 runs (40 stones).

If the goal is player retention and extending minutes played per login, they should definitely increase the drop rate. Helltides is done well in a sense that you can find the hearts (at least today before S5 nerf) pretty easily to either keep running Blood Maiden back to back or run around to open chests, then run back to resume Maiden is a very smooth loop that keeps you wanting to continue helltides beyond a single Blood Maiden summon.

Stones are so unpredictable you never know when you’ll farm enough to do torment bosses and very clearly the boss mats accumulate faster than the stones drop. They should harmonize both rates so the player maybe runs 4-6 Pits and decides to play just a little bit longer by hitting the torment boss after those pit runs.

I know what kind of algorithm Blizzard is using but the drops need to settle into some kind consistent rate. I mean zero for ninety and then ten in ten may mathematically add up to 10% drop rate but it really, truly isn’t.

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I mean a 10% drop rate doesnt mean you should have 10 for every 100. Thats not how RNG works.

Every time you complete a pit you have 90% chance not to get one. You can have streeks where you might get multiple runs dropping SS or you could play an entire day without seeing one. Its just normal RNG doing its thing.

Isn’t it funny how like… An 18 percent Crit chance will net u like a Crit every single hit, but 18 percent drop is pretty much 0… Lol… I’ve always found that funny

Already wrote it several times but keep doing it each time I have the opportunity.

The main source of a summoning mat should not rely an RNG. Random drop when doing game activities are fine and it is always nice to get a Stone from a world boss. The Pit is the main source for stones and for each Pit run we should be getting something. Situation is not as bad as playing a full day for nothing but spending 2 or more hours without seeing a stone happens. When 2h is the amount of time you have to play the game, it ends up being for nothing. Doing Pit runs is not a pleasant game activity. You do it for the mats. If you don’t get any, you don’t want to keep playing.


Don’t currently have any issue with the drop rate farming pit 80-90.

-Also don’t mind/care if they raise the drop rate for people finding the rate too low.

It is ridiculous and I SWEAR the rate % is not what is posted after hundreds and hundreds of runs pit 101+.

The drop rate on the stones is at best a total slap in the face of players who want to engage in the end game. Just feels bad , especially in a seasonal format. Just shows a total lack of respect.

You can always go online and buy 50 stones for like 3 to 4 dollars , it seems that is what blizz want us to do.

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Its end of the season. Gold farmers are trying to cash in on the last bit of there inventory. Blizz should move mats to the materials tab. This does 2 things:

  1. Gives us back inventory space
  2. Removes RMT for these items.

I mean RNG isnt for the weak. Clearly you didnt farm key sets in D2. Now those were some lower drop rates. Boss mats rain from they sky now with SS being uncommon.

RNG is fine for gear but hiding game content behind RNG is not acceptable. I farmed mats for hundreds of Duriel runs last season. It was not especially fun but made me travel the map, do dungeons, legion events. Still a lot more interesting than just doing Pit runs. For every minute I spent I would get something. Now I can spend 2 hours in the Pit for nothing. End of the season for me.

And this is the problem. Yes, you do get something. The MW mats are the participation reward where SS/gear is based on RNG.

You could also say that the items I get are the participation rewards.

I do Pit runs for a couple of stones and get more mats that I will ever need. I currently have more than 20k Neathiron. It seems you don’t know it but most players don’t spend hours doing Pit runs for mats. They do it for the stones.

Then the Pit should not be the primary place to obtain SS. After you’re done MW, its the only reason to run it.

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Tho I do agree because I have a strong dislike for greater rifts/pit in general they are trying to put diversity around end game.

Need loot → HT
Need gold → ToW
Need MW/SS → Pit
Need glyph XP → NM
Need to compete → guantlet
Need to smash PVP → FoH

Im not saying its right or wrong but it does keep areas relevant.

No, it make grind for things harder if you don’t like the content.

If someone finds NM boring, his grind for glyph XP is boring because he finds NM boring.
Otherwise, if someone is really having fun with NM dungeon, the content loses its relevance at that point where he have the glyph he needs at 21.