Game was fine at first, but started stuttering after a few hours.
Tried disabling RRAS and this did not work. Did not have Hyper-V to disable.
Honestly hope Blizzard is looking into this. It’s not much fun playing like this.
Game was fine at first, but started stuttering after a few hours.
Tried disabling RRAS and this did not work. Did not have Hyper-V to disable.
Honestly hope Blizzard is looking into this. It’s not much fun playing like this.
I also tried everything. Still Stuttering.
Curious. - The first couple hours i didnt had any problems.
I guess its the audo pooling device. It tries to pool my monitor audio. - I also disable the Monitor audio in Windows and D4 dont show it in the options anymore. But still the problem persist.
Doesn’t seem there’s any solid fix. I’m sure blizzard will address it but who knows when.
For now the only temporary fixes for me have been:
-alt tabbing out and back in
-change resolution to a lower setting, save it, then immediately go back to whatever setting you were on.
Both are temporary. Stuttering will continue.
They just don’t have it optimized which is ridiculous considering this happened in both betas. They also disabled full screen mode in the first beta or server slam and haven’t fixed it since.
This is what you get from a triple a studio now a days I guess
So my entire day one experience was plagued by stuttering out of no where it would happen randomly and once it did it wouldn’t stop stuttering every few seconds until i relaunched the game… and let me say it felt so random as for sometimes i could make it hours between resetting the game and other times id make a solid 10mins before it occurred really hope to see and fix been non stop trying to tweak things on my end to no avail
i have a AMD Ryyzen 9 3900x RTX 3070TI 32gb of ram only have an issue with diablo 4 atm
Same issue here. High-end spec PC with 3080ti. Playing all games with 100+ fps. With Diablo IV, I get stutters every time I load up a new UI element (e.g. when I press “M” to open the map), when I do specific actions for the first time (e.g. pressing the spacebar to dodge), or randomly at all (e.g. when the first cutscene loads up). In the latter case, my FPS drop from about 180 to 5. Most of the time I need to close the game and re-open it to fix this problem.
Still occuring for me, since launch and after hotfix for PCIe ssd users.
32gb ram.
pci4.0 nvme
win 11, latest updates
AMD 5600x
Game and OS on 1 TB NVME SSD
Running Windows 10 with latest Diablo 4 game ready NVIDIA drivers
I have been experiencing stuttering throughout the beta but it has been getting worse.
Changing graphics settings did nothing and disabling these “devices” in device manager didn’t either:
Microsoft Device Assocation Wave Enumerator
Microsoft RRAS Root Unumerator
What I have found HAS worked is to disable Windows Defender and the firewall component.
I’m not sure which of the two is causing it, but since turning them off I’ve been able to play hours without any weird stuttering that I was previously getting even from things like opening my inventory and map.
Suggests the game is having some weird interactions with AV as the is the first game that I’ve had any issues with that might be AV. It would be interesting to know if 3rd party AV causes the same problem.
Guys, good morning!
Same problems here.
After applying the suggested tweaks, performance improved a lot, but I still noticed the stutters.
After analyzing a few more things, I decided to turn off the windows paging file and this ended up causing crashes in the D4 (it even opened, but it crashed right after reporting a lack of memory). After redoing the windows pagefile the game has improved a lot and now I am without any problems.
my setup
i5 12400f
RTX 3070
4K Ultra
I think the stuttering has something to do with vsync.
I can be 120fps no frame drops solid 120 and press dash and the screen looks 30hz.
Vsync also doesn’t apply until you restart the game too.
I’ve gotten a somewhat normal experience with nvidia control panel settings; vsync on, highest refresh rate available. In game turn on vsync + cap the frames to your max hz.
Even this is stuttering but I believe it’s the servers between zone phases the server is lagging and it looks like stuttering.
I have the same setup between Beta and Release.
I started playing Thursday night and all day yesterday with no issues, max settings all times, over 100fps. Never saw a single stutter. Log off last night and saw the patch go through. Login this morning, stutter all over the place with 8-12 fps.
Devs needs to really look at their latest patch code they released yesterday. This didn’t fix the issue what people were experiencing, and made it worse for others.
My settings:
Win10 ver22H2
AMD Ryzen 9 3900x
RTX 3080 (Driver ver 535.98)
D4 installed on NVME
At this point, ive been out in the wild, dungeons and in the city and still no one spec of stuttering. this is very nice! my last post fix worked for me perfectly. I hope it can help
Had stuttering during the beta, and still have it now with early access. Regular, intermittent, severe frame drops. Like half-second long hangs, and they become more common during fights or area changes.
Dropping settings to low doesn’t fix it.
AMD R5 5600x
Win 10 22H2
16gb RAM
RTX 2080 Super (535.98 and 536.09)
I disabled those two settings as others suggested, but I tried that yesterday with no luck. However, today the game is running absolutely flawlessly. Smooth as silk, no hint of stuttering or any performance issues.
There was also an update this morning so I don’t know if it’s because of that, or maybe rebooting the computer after disabling those settings did the trick. Anyone’s guess is as good as mine.
Mine was fine until they pushed out the hotfix…now it stuttera. 3070ti
Yesterday everything was fine.
Today I saw a patch being downloaded.
The game was running normal most of the time but (mainly in outposts) it stopped for a second or two to continue like normal for a while. Happened AFAIR max. once per visit and within the first 10 seconds (or not). Had it like 10x. I guess never when walking into town - only after ports.
(And I only have an old 1070 TI in this machine. That people had/have (bigger?) problems with 30XXs yesterday is “crazy”.)
Oh, and I was running around solo most of the time. In cities I ran into other players. Could be a reason why it was running OK-ish in battles??
Yeah mine was better after a patch from amd specifically for Diablo 4 and now the patch for Diablo this morning has it stuttering worse than prior.
I went into graphic settings and to adapter and selected my graphics card again and the stuttering disappeared for me
I’m occasionally experiencing this with a 4070 TI, max settings (resolution) using the DLSS Quality option. Latest NVIDIA drivers.
4070TI, 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-12700KF (20 CPUs), ~3.6GHz, max settings with DLSS on Quality, See pastebin link for full specs
Uninstalling High Rez textures pack helped in my case. With high resolution textures, I get crisp looks, but they will eat entire GPU VRAM and stuttering begins, when GPU is swapping data out and back to normal RAM, which is much slower to access. Without these textures, game is very smooth and I can play uninterrupted for hours. Just uninstall this option if you have already installed, it weights 40GB of download.
Just want to update my results so far, which are that:
It feels like a memory leak? As the game runs fine at first, then starts stuttering after a couple of hours or so, and gets worse as I play. So far the only band aid fix I’ve found is to restart when the stuttering starts.