Stop the cap. D4 has more content than D3 and D2

  • D2 and D3 - 5 acts each. D4 - 6 acts (Hell act is equivalent in size to mini Hell and Heaven acts in D2 and D3).
  • D2 and D3 - small, instanced zones. D4 - a huge, seamless game world.
  • D2 and D3 - no big non-campaign bosses. D4 - 14 UNIQUE dungeon bosses (Sea Witch, Big Goat, Werewolf Mom, Spiritcaller, Tomb Lord, Scourge of the Land, Brambles, Knight Council, Bandit Lord, Cannibal Boss, Spider Queen, Big Grasshopper Thing, Blood Bishop, Slither), that’s not even counting the world bosses and the campaign bosses.
  • D2 and D3 - 1-2 meta builds per class. D4 - no less than a dozen viable builds per class thanks to highly customizable Paragon Boards, Aspcts, and uniques.

The only thing that D4 is missing is more chase items in the endgame and runewords. Everything else is on point and superior to both D2 and D3.


ehhh im not sure on that one buddy.
atleast not for high level content.
but yeah would be nice if that was the case.

unless you count builds that doesn’t have much differences between them
but for me a build is : Blood , bone, minion and shadow necro wise for example
(or a mix at most)


Oh man, King Copium over here trying to delude others the way he’s deluded.


This is a list of all the Super Unique Monsters present in Diablo II. They are listed by act, in the order in which they are/may be encountered.
Act I

Blood Raven*
Treehead Woodfist
The Countess
The Smith*
Pitspawn Fouldog
Flamespike the Crawler (removed in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction)
Bone Ash
The Cow King*

Act II

Creeping Feature
Bloodwitch the Wild
Coldworm the Burrower*
Dark Elder
Fire Eye
The Summoner*
Ancient Kaa the Soulless


Sszark the Burning
Witch Doctor Endugu
Battlemaid Sarina
Icehawk Riftwing
Ismail Vilehand
Geleb Flamefinger
Toorc Icefist
Wyand Voidbringer
Maffer Dragonhand
Bremm Sparkfist

Act IV

Taintbreeder (removed)
The Tormentor (removed)
Darkwing (Winged Death) (removed)
Riftwraith the Cannibal (removed)
Hephasto the Armorer*
Infector of Souls
Grand Vizier of Chaos
Lord De Seis

Act V

Dac Farren
Shenk the Overseer
Eldritch the Rectifier
Sharptooth Slayer
Eyeback the Unleashed
Thresh Socket
Bonesaw Breaker
Hell's Belle (Anodized Elite) (removed)
Blaze Ripper (removed)
Magma Torquer (removed)
Vinvear Molech (removed)
Snapchip Shatter
Axe Dweller (removed)
Colenzo the Annihilator
Achmel the Cursed
Bartuc the Bloody
Ventar the Unholy
Lister the Tormentor

Diablo 3:
25 Rift Guardians

The Rift Guardian spawns after 100% progression is reached and is the final boss of the Greater Rift. They all have the same amount of hit points, count as Elites and are different monster types. There are a total of 25 Rift Guardians each with different and unique mechanics


Whatever you’re smoking, I want some!


Boss mobs in D4 are scaled up trash mobs engagement wise. D4’s open world is poorly utilized and most of its extra space is just used for side quests that no one wants to do. Its open space for the sake of having open space. The work put into the open world would have been better utilized for linear segments like dungeons or d2/d3 open areas.


d2 had my attention for 8 years.
d3 had my attention for 5 years.
d4 had my attention for 3 months.

that graphic doesnt look too good :stuck_out_tongue: hope they revive the flame with a stellar season but until then… d4 bad


What’s “cap.”?

Stop inventing acronyms or abbreviations pls. Just write words.


Real…ly seemless hmmm, 120 dungeons and 240 load in screens.


The map is larger. Good point. :rofl:

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~5 tilesets :wink:


Alright I’m gonna address every point, because this is simply wrong.
D4 and D3 give the ILLUSION OF CONTENT. The ILLUSION that there is “so much to do” and so many people fall for it when they make these silly comparisons like you have here.

** D2 and D3 - 5 acts each. D4 - 6 acts (Hell act is equivalent in size to mini Hell and Heaven acts in D2 and D3).*

Yeah D4 has 6 acts that have no ACT IDENTITY. The entire “story” blends together, since the game is a “linear open world” it doesn’t feel like I’m going from act to act, conquering each part of the story like the previous games. This seriously takes away from it being “6 acts long” It might as well be one giant act. They aren’t even Acts. They are QUEST LINES and that’s it. It’s a ILLUSION.

** D2 and D3 - small, instanced zones. D4 - a huge, seamless game world.*

Refer to what I said above, the open world design ruins the pacing of what everyone has come to know as an isometric ARPG.

** D2 and D3 - no big non-campaign bosses. D4 - 14 UNIQUE dungeon bosses (Sea Witch, Big Goat, Werewolf Mom, Spiritcaller, Tomb Lord, Scourge of the Land, Brambles, Knight Council, Bandit Lord, Cannibal Boss, Spider Queen, Big Grasshopper Thing, Blood Bishop, Slither), that’s not even counting the world bosses and the campaign bosses.*

And guess what all of those BIG non campaign bosses aren’t remotely memorable, they aren’t conceivably repeatable/farmable in any sense and don’t give you any meaningful loot. They might as well not be in the game. Do they even give you good xp? Who even knows. I doubt it though.

** D2 and D3 - 1-2 meta builds per class. D4 - no less than a dozen viable builds per class thanks to highly customizable Paragon Boards, Aspcts, and uniques.*

This is literally a lie. You are literally lying. I don’t even need to explain how or why.

You should apply to work at Blizzard if you like to sit here and lie for them so much. What a horrible post.


D3 isn’t a very good game either…and on release it was god awful.


:clown_face: heres your steam points

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The D4 base game was fine. Definitely some class balance issues which still exists and the fact that if Lilith makes any sense compared to previous titles, it’s not been apparent to me, which I have played since D1. My guess is that she’s a misguided sop to make up for Blizzard’s recent scandals involving female employees. So far, it doesn’t make any sense with respect to the Diablo story line.

I’m a retired female electrical engineer, so sympathetic to Blizzard’s desire to try to make amends in a game, rather than real life. It doesn’t wash.

I mean, if I avoided playing games with misogynist treatment of employees, there’s not a lot of games I could play. While I wasn’t paid as much as I could have been if I was born male, my retirement is comfortable.

I have encountered Lilith in another game before in The Secret World, released in 2012. She made sense there. I looked her up back then. According to ancient lore, she was the first wife of Adam, made from dust just as he was, but rejected him. So she was born immortal, rather than from Adam’s rib, and so vilified in ancient lore.

So both tone deaf with respect to gender politics (Lilith was vilified for rejecting Adam, no doubt as a cautionary tale for women who could not tolerate their husbands) as well as so far, makes no sense within the Diablo story line.

Edite Note: Forgot to say (I’m old :slight_smile: that if there is a point to D4’s Season 1, other than a time waster, it escapes me.


And strongholds and helltides… and open world named elites that are unique , i forget there names but one is on the beach. Jordi or something. Sadly since scaling was reverted they are no very formidable anymore…but still. If people ever grow some big metal spuds maybe they can in the future.

I agree, much much nicer base game to build from,and plenty for turtles like me to enjoy.

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I played D2 for 10 years.

I played D4 for 10 days.

D4 having “more content” is meaningless when the content is garbage and the loot is terrible.


i’d say, D2 don’t have much more to do actually
i’ve played it for years, but it’s just rinse and repeating the same boss or sub-boss over and over
either for their loot or for the keys to do the ubers next
there’s not even any benefit of going lv 99. (outside of the skill points which aren’t important since your builds is good enough at lv 80-85 )

D2 have more unique than D4 , but that’s that.

i don’t think any diablo game has “so much to do”.

though i liked the 4 of them, and i played D2 the most probably, i don’t wear pink-nostalgic glasses that would make me believe D2 had great end-game.

D2 vanilla wasnt perfect neither if you dare to compare.
No runes, no sets, no nothing but yellows all the way and fishing for the lucky item with no crafting to begin with.
And compared to D1 the atmosphere of the game was bland and boring.
But at least it was all shiny and new, and bigger.
Also having a resolution of 800*600 was awesome. And it was fun, way longer than many modern games, but the same can be said about many other modern games: they just dont last, the customer base has shifted - and this reflects into every new game.

D4 to me was worth its money by a huge margin, despite having lots of flaws.
Its not like Inquisitor, regret this purchase and not touching it for various reasons (well, most Warhammer Games are riddled with bugs that are a testamant to a players patience and pain tolerance).

Diablo 2 might not have helltides, world bosses, or nightmare dungeons, but I have news for you the game is still better than Diablo 4 without all of the bells and whistles. Diablo 4 is the same circus, but somehow less meaningful. Instead of repeating bosses, and specific areas that had drop rates for items you wanted. You now repeat TIME GATED events that don’t even allow you to target what loot you want. There is no rhyme or reason to itemization. It ruins the game. Diablo 4 could easily fill Diablo 2’s shoes if they didn’t make their design choices based on player retention metrics and profits.

EDIT: inb4 someone brings up NIGHTMARE DUNGEONS. I don’t think repeating The Den of Evil qualifies as “content”

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