Stop the cap. D4 has more content than D3 and D2

Absolutely rubbish…good try though.

Just having a look at Division 2 would already push the game into a much better position.
Removing the randomness of loot attributes by allowing a single stat to be selected.
Removing the randomness of loot drops by showing on the map what there is to recieve the desired drop.
Removing the need to always need to farm the aspects as salvaging it just once enables it at the station permantly.
And so on.
Many opportunities to take to make D4 any better.

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True, based of the OPs history it seems to me they themselves don’t actually believe what they are saying either. I think the OP just got bored of trashing on D4 all day and decided to throw some bait out for some laughs.


Or they just told the truth for once…i mean we are are just playing this horrible game right, so bad…worst game ever…

Yeah atm i kinda like this, i dont think this is good, make the harder to come by apsects mean something.

Gear calibration though is somehting i agree and i think need brainstorming on, and a reduction is enchanted rolls…would rather hight respec than this…

Yeah but if you have 2 bottles of dishwater and a bottle of your favorite soda, it doesn’t matter if the other one has more content


I have no words…


Itemisation is crap in D4 mate, it needs total overhaul

Im interested in your words , what is crap about it?

Whats wrong with itemization you ask? I can sum it up with one word, BLOAT.

Only thing missing in this loot based game is loot :joy:


D4 has no loot diversity and no loot drop excitement. Too many illogical affixes. Aspects are too much constraint on build possibility. No logic on itemization (heavy, nedium, light armory, weapon range…) can’t equip any weapon on any class… why can’t you equip a bow on a druid and shoot low lvl arrows with magic effect?

D2 has way more liberty snd endgame (loot)

D4 endgame is hard content gated behind meta builds. D2 is doable with crazy non meta builds.

Loot filtrer would greatly help the ratio of fun gameplay versus reading walls of boring text affixes.

Loot is endgame of any arpg. You play for loot. l’m disappointed in d4


Meh, I disagree, that’s not a issues for me…Items yes not bloat.

D4 has no relation to d2, dont offend Blizzard North.

Speaking about content, who cares about content if the game is broken :wink:

My chest had alot more content aswell in d4 then d2, so the content must be better then in d4 right?

U have any idea how many features and skills has been disabled due balance issue’a, exploits etc. Which was alrdy a problem in beta and they still there and didnt fix. Or even worse a patch they fixed some and newer patch reintroduced them again. Dont let me laugh.

Only decent thing Activision could do is a apology with a refund option. Anything else is just not acceptable.


Another troll I forgot to ignore.

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I disagree, imo having just tested and payed attention, the modifiers are busted, they dont work properly, so i still succeeded but all elites were meant to be poison enchanted.

This is great a craft a poison elixer and off i go…on had this affix, the rest where a very mixed bag, vampric’s cold enchanted etc was like a capstone almost.

This explains the updates now, game has a lot of broken systems…to T3 this was fine with all the buffs, imagine T4 at the end i had suppressors all sorts to deal with, dead.

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D2 has more total affixes and about the same number of affix types (not counting the fact that affixes of different tiers can roll even on a higher-level drop).

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agree the problem is not “Bloat” toxic Ytuber buzz word.

its just a lack of seasoning in the loot pool.

Why bother grinding at lvl 100 for better gear when the game is riddled with core balance problems. And any new patch need to address them and thereby likely breaking ur build and grinded items.

Or accounts with duped items, trillion golds due hacky exploits.

Fun fun fun no?

Bloat on item affixes absolutely is gamebreaking, especially when the occulist only replaces 2 for exceedingly outrageous cost scaling. tell my why you need 3 different versions of cold reduction? Logically, Freezing reduction % should include cold and chill, not have a separate affix for each.