STOP nerfing dungeon elite/exp - Maugan's Folly, Champion's Demise, Eridu

I’m at 75 and have been at endgame for a long time as a mainly solo druid. I’m having lots of fun leveling at a regular pace and doing all the side content and will have fun again during the season and the next season and so on. it should be difficult to reach max level just like in d2 if you play regularly w/ no exploits.


Resetting a dungeon to do it again is literally not an exploit, it’s a function of the game. Same thing that people did ever since Diablo 2.

But its not fun… farming the same dungeon because its “optimal”. Why do you need OP xp gain? so you can be done in a week or two and quit? that makes no sense.


let everyone play how they like to play it.
I really enjoyed resetting it because this dungeon was rewarding compared to the rest of the game. Now i don’t feel getting rewarded elsewhere

So I guess the race to 100 that is sponsored and incentivized by Blizzard isn’t a reason… ok lol

Part of finding the “optimal” way of playing is part of the fun for many people in many games. If the developers of the game have designed it so that the “optimal” way is now nerfed or sucks, then that’s just bad game design, which is the point of the original post.

Buff Nightmare dungeon exp instead of nerfing mob density.

Depends, how bout making other dungeons as rewarding and fun. That way, folks will do everything. Taking a dump in someones mouth for doing something they enjoy won’t make you any friends

This has been my impression with the game. Only time I found upgrade was after killing the world boss. Otherwise, drops were pretty underwhelming. No real upgrades. Few sidegrades and downright underlevel stuffs. Not sure how this ‘high effort low return’ is supposed to be fun.

If blizzard would believe it’s best to have them that rewarding then they would do that, it’s clear they don’t. It’s extremely trivial content, perhaps it shouldn’t be more rewarding then baseline towards which they are nerfing.

Seems like it’s taking a bit. :open_mouth:

Clearly not on purpose since it was changed…
As in the entire point of the thread.

No, if you want to lvl faster for some reason that can be solved by monsters giving more XP. Or just lowering that XP requirement or lvl. No need to ruin the game with D3 style mob density.

What? Are you actually just playing the game and having fun? How dare you. Don’t you know you HAVE TO get to 100 because otherwise life is meaningless? I swear, people don’t know anything…


God forbid people have fun by optimizing their leveling speed or gear. Because you know, the game isn’t based on optimizing gear or anything like that.

You’re like the living embodiment of the meme “don’t ask questions, just consume product.” Blizz loves people like you.

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Produce. Consume. Obey.

People should indeed have fun optimizing lvling and gearing. Blizzard is here trying to help you with that, by removing the most abusable ways to lvl, so you actually have a chance to optimize in fun ways.
More balance. More fun.

Who said anything about gear?

Levelling speed though. Makes sense in certain context, like there’s a deadline you don’t want to miss. Maybe the season is ending. Maybe your battlepass is gonna burn out. Or maybe your girlfriend refuses to date anyone below level 100. That must be it.

Yeah. There’s a different type of win condition, or maybe we can term it as personal achievement in Diablo, which a lot of the (older/original?) players used to be happy with, is to kill heeps of mobs solo and in group with ease after they have geared up or progressed.

Players might quit the game if the lvl and/or gear grind is too long and/or dull, or in the endgame there isn’t enough content to play with. IMO Diablo 4 on early release had problem of the latter and now it has both after the arbitrary patches/hotfixes.

Efficiency (whether by EXP exploits or not) has made or is bound to make people realize the lack of variety endgame but now Blizzard’s blatant attempt in stalling lower level players forced them to meaningless waiting and grinding, which is excruciating.

Placing the situation in a vaccuum, it may be much more enjoyable for players to try out other characters while waiting for Season 1 than to make all these changes which targeted the players’ progression. Specifically I refer to the overall dungeon elite density nerf. Multiple users on the forum have recommended buffing nightmare dungeon rewards which can effectively solve the problem.

People will probably go to the “shortest” one then. It’s probably a combination of increase density based on sigil level & small tweaks to the sigil xp.

What??? How is this remotely the assumed position anyone is taking, nearly every new player over the past few days would NEVER think to find the one dungeon that is over spawning elites in packs of 19823721 and farm it.

I don’t fully understand your comment but there’s no need to take the scenario to the extreme, which might invalidiate any points all of us here are trying to make. cheers :slight_smile: