Stop being general

How can you blame Blizzard for not giving you what you want, when you can’t tell them what you want. I promise they will sell it to you, if you can tell them what you want to buy.

Of all these posts about hating the game, none have ever come close to being specific.

You all just keep making generalization (in general). “It’s bad” (what’s bad), “it’s terrible” *(what would be wonderful), “it’s stupid” (what and how would it be smart).

You expect them to give you, when you can’t tell them, so how would they know what to give you.

The closest thing to a specification has been complaints about “itemization”. Well, HOW is it bad, what’s bad about it, and what would make it good.

Don’t expect them to make it specifically good, when you only tell the, in general, that’s bad? :slight_smile:

They want to make money by selling you things, but the only thing they can actually do is make it generally good, which ironically, is exactly the same as making it generally bad.

Give them specifics. :slight_smile:



  1. The stats from WT2 to WT3 to WT4 are the same, just higher values. There’s little creativity, even in the Unique space (aside from a single Aspect).
  2. Due to in-game math, only a few stats are valuable, because they offer multiplicative damage. ALL conditional damage should, not just Vulnerable.
  3. Lucky Hit (or any stat) is though to build around because each piece is restricted on what stats roll on it. You’ll never see a chest with Crit Strike outside the Unique space.
  4. Resist don’t work. At least, not effeciently. The contributions of Resists in the current state of the game is negligible. Single Resists are even worse, and should just be eliminated outside large, thematic uniques. An otem shouldn’t give +40 Shadow Resist - it should be +240.
  5. Ultimage Damage is usually the worst stat. Ultimates deal little damage, abd increasing a little by 20% still results in a little. Ultimate Damage mod should reduce Ultimate CD and add damage. And Ultimate base damage should increase substantially. Most take Ults for utility, rarely damage.

There are important stats that unlock at higher item tiers (though there could be more).

Describe “creativity”. Almost all the uniques make for differences in the way skills that are interesting to build around. How could they be more creative?

The conditional damage should all be one bucket including vulnerable, and the other stuff that n the big additive bucket should stay there. If they are all separate buckets, damage will scale way too high and the only way to play will be to maximize the number of different conditions you apply.

I think they could do more to increase the possible investment in certain stats, but I like that each item slot has its own nature and that uniques can break those rules.

They work, the problem is just that it’s too easy to effectively cap them and the cap is too low. If they made resists additive and gave big additive penalties in WT3 and WT4 (and had a higher cap on max resist), I think it would all feel a lot better.

I agree that a stat specifically for ultimate CD would be cool, but there are ultimates that do significant damage and when you have one, the damage boost can be worth it. Iron Maelstrom for example already has ways to reduce its cooldown significantly and it does a bunch of damage. Honestly, maybe the better stat there would just be to add ranks to the ultimate, which could then increase its damage / cooldown / other effects as appropriate to the skill.

I responded to your specifics mainly because I wanted to show that even with specifics given, people don’t agree on these things. It isn’t just that the complaints are too general. It is that they are contradictory in most cases.

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That’s how you can tell legitimate criticism vs BS.

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I want these for example:

  • Rare items are no longer categorized as Ancestral/Sacred
  • Rare item drop rates decreased by 50%, Rare item quality increased by 100%
  • All the conditional damage affixes replaced with 1 affix: “+% Enhanced Damage”
  • Instance size with local players increased from 12 to 24

Uber Uniques have a ridiculously low drop rate and the normal uniques are purposely made weaker than rare+aspect. This is a bad formula and they should have more uniques to fill the gap… Aspects should also be made more rare with less RNG so that items have much higher values than codex. Sets and Runewords would also make a nice addition but I’m ok with those coming later.

Endgame was not thought out and is lacking… I know they plan to add something but let’s borrow the Rifts Idea and add them to Helltides… make them spawn in random locations and take you into Hell… have powerful demons to fight there.

Character abilities shouldn’t be gated by long cooldowns and short lifespans… Barb shouts should last a few minutes and channeling abilities need to last longer for better gameplay.

Communication and player interactions need to improve significantly… LFG and chat bubbles are just a few ideas?

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Well thought, articulate, concise posts don’t get views or replies. That’s the problem. So people purposefully make inflammatory posts in order to be seen and voice their displeasure.

I’ve made multiple posts detailing the things I think are wrong with this game, and it certainly didn’t result in others posting similarly. In fact, it’s generally 1-2 white knights trolling, a couple of solid responses, and literally nothing else, while maintaining less than 50 views total.

If the myriad of posters like you who ask for genuine feedback would actually respond to constructive threads, we’d be in a different place.


It’s not that they aren’t specific, is that everyone wants different things. They all act like they agree, but the second it comes to getting together to form ideas to solve the problem, they start disagreeing with each other just as much as they disagree with the Blizz team. But that’s just how general forums are. It’s always chaos with no solutions.

This isn’t true.

People universally agree on the problems, they simply have different ideas for how to solve them, but the identification of problems are universal across the board.

For example, everyone agrees on these items as being problems:

  • Itemization
  • Lag
  • Feeling bored after the campaign due to repetitive gameplay
  • QoL
  • The stupid horse
  • PVP sucks
  • Lack of build diversity
  • No social system at all like chat channels (at the very least)

The thing is, they have over 20 years of superior systems in previous titles to pull from. For example, even the first Diablo had a more robust (by far) social system. Diablo 2 had double the party amount, lol, and pristine itemization from 1.08 to 1.09. Hell, even after 1.10 the itemization was far superior to that of D4.

DI is a far superior game outside of the P2W aspect, which is hilarious, because it’s a crappy mobile game.

The devs have insane amounts of resources available to them. There’s no excuse for the state of the game when every previous title had vastly superior elements. Although, I’d imagine they were forced into a ridiculously tiny timeline for development.


I don’t know, we’ve been pretty specific since early beta testing.

Nah I’ve been specific plenty of times, and so have others. Blizzard has terrible communication with their audience. They only address like 1 thing in a laundry list of feedback so people get frustrated and start giving back the same garbage communication they give us.

Either way, here’s the running list I’ve used.

  • There are nowhere near enough uniques.

  • Legendary powers are far too numerous and the game is balanced around this. They were a bad idea in general and only uniques should exist.

  • There exists uniques that literally just make your character weaker. (Sorc fireball unique is 100% useless as it lowers your damage far too much, and its small benefit of more clear power doesn’t matter as there is no density in this game.

  • Item tiers are a garbage loot system and anything below the top tier is useless.

  • You gain the first 80-85% of your power really early into the game and have to grind out 25 levels of nothingness and minor upgrades and tweaks.

  • The 2 chase uniques are FAR too chase.

  • Mob scaling makes you have periods where you simply feel weaker

  • Legendary nodes on the paragon board (mostly) are too weak.

  • Too many Aspects are specific to a SINGLE skill making them nearly almost required or useless with no in between.

  • Resists don’t matter and if they did there’s no room to stack them on gear anyway.

  • Vulnerable is on a different level and is way too powerful compared to the others. (Why are there powers that require BOTH vulnerable AND something else like barrier? why not just barrier to add more diversity?

  • There are not enough sources of vulnerable, including exploit being useless for sorc etc. (solvable if vuln isn’t as broken comparatively and is merely an option)

  • Blue and white items are 100% useless. It was said Blue would be able to have higher rolls of things in early development and this isnt the case. Blues should have a 50% higher ceiling and floor for stats to allow sacrificing certain stats for others in niche scenarios. White items were always going to be useless however this could be fixed by having more bases for each slot and having a way to turn white items into yellows.

  • Items drop smart loot and only drop for your current class (95% of the time, 100% of the time for uniques) making the desire to farm for alts non-existant.

  • Items requirements scale to the level they were received at and not their stats. This makes what little trading there was mostly obsolete. Items level requirements should scale with the stats on the item, not arbitrarily the level it was received. (this also hurts gathering items for alts.

  • Weapons/offhands are class restricted. This lowers diversity further. These should instead have attribute requirements to disincentivize ‘off-class’ usage but not limit it completely. Could open up new build styles.

  • Weapon ilvl scales damage purely on its own, making that king and removing a lot of build options.

  • Yellows and legendaries have 4 affixes instead of 6 from previous and other arpgs making it harder to stack proper stats, and locks in GG items far earlier giving even less of a carrot on a stick.

  • Some conditionals are just absurd, Have barrier enemy is vulnerable while you play with one hand and eat cheerios and deal cold damage there is a 5% lucky hit chance to have a 20% chance to Do a thing. I’m exaggerating a bit but there really are some deep conditionals that are either 100% uptime because the build just happens to always fill all the conditions, or they are worthless. They lean far more towards the worthless side.

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That’s why many of us haunt these forums and watch the livestreams even tho we stopped playing. We want to help developers evolve this game in real-time. That kind of development never happens but some companies are doing this more.

No you won’t have perfect consensus but much like anything in life most people learn to compromise when their concerns are met with practical solutions.

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Yeah this. Not everyone agrees on the solutions but people overwhelmingly agree on the problems listed here.

And Blizz has yet to address literally any of these issues. Closest one they come to is the build diversity one, kinda… But also not really because it’ll take more than a couple buffs and nerfs to give a solid build diversity.

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Can I be a Colonel instead?

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Why? they already know what’s wrong with the game.

I’ll tell you what worked for me in wow for almost two decades. If I didn’t like the game, I would unsub. Then magically, often as if they were targeting me personally, they’d make the game better and then I’d resub. I don’t expect to go back anytime soon because they are systematically gutting the solo experience and that ship isn’t going to right itself quickly, but I can’t say I never will either.

Beings this game has no sub, I’m honestly not sure how to handle it other than if I’m no longer having fun, don’t play until it is fun. Time played metrics something something.

Because over the years in the wow forums I would see complaints, and I’d see those complaints shot down, but somehow, like magic, in the end they would usually make the right decision. At least the decision that retained me for awhile.

So for me at least it isn’t about a carefully constructed essay on what I don’t like, it’s that what I don’t like I don’t play and it’s almost like they can tell.


Then there would be little reason to use conditional damage, and Vulnerable would STILL be king because it yields 20% by itself. Barbarian Bleed would be utterly gutted.

If you believe damage numbers would be “out of control”, then the conditional damage values could be lowered. But there should be a reason players would want to inflict and build around multiple conditionals like Bleed, Burn, and Slow; inflict all 3 and players should see a reward for that. Currently, there isn’t and building around a single conditional like Vulnerable vastly outstrips it.

I see a lot of posts being very specific and even giving feedback to how it could be done better. Seems you just focus on those types

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People keep saying this as if this isn’t exactly what the devs did. They did this. You just disagree with the choices they made. Other people disagree with the choices you would have made (or I would have made). Just focus on the stuff that can be improved about the game they made, not theoretical D2 sequel they didn’t make.

This is exactly my point.

No it isn’t. And I was excited to play Diablo on my phone and just ignore p2w aspects.

And insane amounts of different player types to please.

Elements. This has some elements that are superior to those games as well. Would you actually rather be playing D2 than D4 right now? Or D3 vs D4? If so, you are in a minority because few people were still playing those games.

So… not vast amounts of resources?

Your list is way different from mine. That’s fine, and we each get our own opinion, but it is why they aren’t able to check off 80% of one person’s list. Because every has different lists and quite a few of the things you listed would make the game worse, IMO.

Nail on the head.

Blizzards won with Psychology. Pitted players against players.

All they have to do is sit back and rake in the free money. They’ve already conditioned players to fight for them, even though they’re getting reamed. It’s almost stockholm syndrome in ways.