Stop being general

No they arent. Yeah, you can point at a few problems that most people agree on, such as most on your list (feeling bored after campaign is already very much a contested one). But the vastest amount of issues people mention, are not shared.

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No, they didn’t do anything comparable to that, and we all universally agree on the problems that exist.

A great example is the itemization. Literally everyone hates it, and it’s completely specific to D4.

You will find no one who actually played during this time period that disagrees.

Further, the devs aren’t supposed to do exactly what we say. We’re only supposed to identify problems, they’re supposed to have a clear vision that dictates the manner in which they solve those problems. They are, you know, developers.

Wrong. All of us are ARPG players who purchased D4.

Name one other than the graphics.

That means nothing. Every game has a shelf life and you’re talking about games decades or multiple decades old, lol.

That’s the caveat, smarty pants. It also infers a top down problem rather than a problem with the devs themselves.

Took them more than a decade to do that with WoW. Blizzards dev teams are notorious on dying on a hill when it comes to design.

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Everyone thinks the problem is something different, they just all use the same meaningless word for it. Get 10 of those people in a room to discuss what the actual concrete issues are with itemization and you will hear 10 wildly different takes. Even the people who say, “just copy D2” will disagree about what that means if you try to make anything specific.

The system that is in D4 took what was in D3 (legendary aspects and set bonuses, which are the more interesting item properties from D2) and made a version of it that allowed rare items to have value again. They took a look at uniques and found a place for them to live that was closer to the D2 classic uniques. They took the affix system from D2 and iterated on it with “trash affixes” that at least did something to benefit your character. They took the smart loot from D3. They took the attribute break points from D2 and put them in paragon. They took the item level break points from D2 and made them more transparent. They took the hidden proc chance from D2 and D3 and made it an explicit mechanic you can interact with.

The whole system is an iteration of the previous two games, and a reaction to the feedback they got about D3 vs D2.

Lol! Now you’re just making things up.

I agree. But then people get so angry that devs are clearly idiots who can’t get more than one useful thing done because the devs are out there prioritizing across all the feedback.

Lol, none of whom agree at all about even core things like ideal leveling speed, mob density, and respec costs.

Yet you want them to copy/paste those games into this one…

Item upgrades, helltides, the campaign is better than D3, paragon boards.

It took the threat of a failed MMO that recovered with 2.0 that called FFXIV when most people quit Shadowlands and people still have not returned for Dragonflight as they finally listening to others than raiders. It still too raid or die but they caving in at a grandpa going for a jog rate.

You don’t know what failed. You’re not on the business end, you don’t see what business sees.

The forum posters are 1% of the total game players. We are the players that log into a forum and read posts, then stop and compose replies and post them…that is not “most players”, it’s just a tiny few.

You can see if you count the number of all the different authors that post here…and you can, about 50 of us saying anything about their game.

We’re just not important enough for them to do what we say they should do. It would ruin the game if they did everything we say they should do…they already know this :slight_smile:

“we are listening” I’m just not sure to who. Many posts about game improvements. Lots are not constructive but I’m no Dev. Its really up to them, they know what needs to be done.

Can I be Corporal???

Ahhhh! Caught by the necro!

Black Panther Uber Prestige Mount with poison dripping from the fangs for 100.000 platin? I take two of it!!! ROAAAARRRRR :tiger:

The necromancers are hitting up the forum today by bringing back dead threads from 12 months ago :headstone:

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I got an idea, how about you flip the forum upside down so you see the posts that nobody comments on or looks at. 2/3s of those posts are the exact posts you are looking for with fine detailed scrutiny of the game from launch day until now. Nobody comments on these posts because they are so specific and detailed that nobody has read or reads them.

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Actually there has been a lot of specifics mentioned by well meaning posters. It just tends to get buried by the usual trolls on both sides.

Okay, I want a Druid Mercenary that fight alongside with me. When I press the horse button, it turns into a werebear that I can ride. The more we fight together, the more our relationship points grow. Once we have enough relationship points, we get that famous Druid cutscene from Baldur’s Gate 3.