Still no rupture fix ?!

Seriously what the Hell?!

They even buffed it so the initial hit always Overpowers now, which is cool, but it still heals the target if they don’t die from it.

Why why WHY hasn’t this even been acknowledged yet ?!

Have you seen other barbarians use Rupture then see the health go back up?

Shadow Clone Rogues: “First Time?”

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Yes? I got ripped by my entire party for using it since they would call out my skill healed bosses.

Yep, it’s definitely a thing. It would be interesting to at least hear something from Blizzard about how this works and why it does what it does and explain it to us and/or fix the bug already.

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This. This is why it bothers me so much, because the devs still haven’t even acknowledged that it’s a known bug - and has been for every season so far.

Even if it’s going to take a while, just a simple “yeah we’re working on it” would be appreciated. I keep hoping someone will ask about it during a campfire and put them on the spot, because if they were to genuinely be surprised to learn about it would be such a huge embarrassment :stuck_out_tongue:

And Barb is getting some nice buffs to the Bleed archetype in the patch notes - too bad it’s pointless when the main skill intended for taking down bosses doesn’t work unless it lands the killing blow.

I totally agree. Taken from my other post:

Rupture actually does deal, or supposed to deal 13% Damage (cannot modify) initially then when you pull your weapon out, it is supposed to immediately deal the Bleed Damage and removes the Bleed.

Enhanced Rupture is supposed to apply 70% (x10% 50 Strength you have) damage per of the Bleed damage as an AoE Bleed when you pull the weapon out over 5 seconds. That 70% should be multiplicative with your Strength contribution resulting in anywhere between x100% - x200% multiplied to the 70% of the current Bleed.

Ok, there is a lot here but order of Operations SHOULD in theory work this way:

  • You apply 100,000 damage of Bleeds damage to target.
  • You use Rupture which initially deals 13% Weapon damage when you first hit the enemy.
  • Enhanced Rupture should be calculated first when you pull the weapon out, resulting in the x100 or 200x ish x 70% of the 100,000 Bleed as a new Bleed source over 5 seconds. Rupture SHOULD NOT remove this Bleed.
  • The next thing is that the target immediately takes that 100,000 damage and that portion of the Bleed gets removed.
  • Theoretically, if you have Enhanced Rupture, enemies should persist Bleeding after the Rupture animation even if you do not have Wanton Rupture.

What I think is happening is:

  • 13% is getting calculated initially
  • The Enhanced Rupture Bleed is applying to the enemy and IMMEDIATELY it is getting removed.
  • This means that the display shows a higher Bleed for a moment, but it is getting consumed immediately by Rupture.
  • Instead of the enemy taking the combined damage of Rupture and Enhanced Rupture and Rupture removing the Bleed, it is only dealing the damage of Rupture and removing both Bleeds. This delta is the Enhanced Rupture Bleed which the enemy is actually REFUNDED BACK.

When do you not see this happen?

  • You do not see this happen when Rupture with the original Bleed sources would kill the enemy. The Enhanced Rupture is overkill so the enemy dies before the HP is refunded.
  • Wanton Rupture which prevents Bleeds from Rupture being consumed so that order of operations prevents the “health refund” from occuring.

Thats not how the tool tip is stated, it causes a 70% weapon damage bleed (% enhanced by Strength)…not 70%+ of the 100,000 total bleed currently on the enemy. Its a fresh AOE bleed stack to enemies post ripping the big bleed. Otherwise youd have insane AOE bleeds easily.

You’re right, I misspoke however it does not appear that this Bleed is being applied but rather consumed by Rupture.

Enhanced Rupture

Ripping your weapon out of enemies during Rupture causes an explosion that deals 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. This damage is increased by x 10% for each 50 Strength you have.

70% x 200% (1,000 STR) should be a fresh 140% of Weapon Damage Bleed. This Bleed should be able to proc Gushing Wounds as it is applied.

Regardless, something very weird is happening with Rupture and enemies get healed an inordinate amount consistently.

Will probably only get wonkier when Rupture now overpowers to add another stack of bleed if using Gushing Wounds on top of the enhanced too. The healing issue bothers me so much that it hasn’t been addressed in any kind of notes or comment. Rend/Rupture is my favorite Barb skills by far thematically.

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Yep, same. I’m actually more annoyed at the total lack of acknowledgement by the devs than the actual bug.

It makes me seriously question if they play their own game, because it’s the kind of thing that can’t possibly have gone completely unnoticed this long

Also my favorite play style. Its awesome… when it doesn’t heal enemies.

Gushing wounds would also appreciate it if the devs acknowledged that it was also bugged


Not familiar with that one, how is it bugged ?

It’s one of the key passives that gives you 140%x bleed bonus.

From what people have tested, it looks like it is either only doing additive dmg instead, not working at all, or ridiculously underpowered for a key passive.

The first 2 scenarios are the most likely to be true.

Few other things:

  • Gushing Wounds only procs off the initial application of a Bleed. It does not proc off all Bleed applications.
  • Gushing Wounds does not provide you a constant damage boost like the other Key Passives do.
  • Gushing Wounds requires you to invest in Critical Strike Chance, Critical Hit Damage, and being able to Overpower constantly. Bleed DoTs do NOT Crit or Overpower however. While having Rupture guarantee Overpower is great, the numerous problems with Rupture prevent it from being truly great.
  • Gushing Wounds Critical Strike Damage contribution does not seem to be calculating from all sources. While it is reported that only “Character Sheet” CHD counts there is also something off in the calculation.

What Gushing Wounds SHOULD DO:

  • Gushing Wounds should allow DoTs to Critically Strike. This makes Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage synergize with Bleeds for the investment.
  • Bleed Damage from Overpower being 85% Weapon Damage over 5 seconds sucks. It should NOT apply a Bleed but rather the Overpowered Bleeding enemies erupt dealing 50% Direct Weapon Damage to all surrounding enemies. This creates a CHAIN of damage and makes Overpowering Bleeding enemies very good. 5 Bleeding Enemies dealing 50% Weapon Damage would mean all enemies take x250% Weapon Damage. This is Balanced for Bosses such that it would only deal x50% Weapon Damage when the Boss is Overpowered assuming no enemies are nearby.

Unrelated to GW

  • Rupture should not consume Bleeds at all
  • Wanton Rupture should be changed to create Pools of Blood and Enemies take X Bleeding Damage over 6 seconds. Enemies standing in the Pools take x20% increased Damage.
  • Fields of Crimson Unique changed to a Rend Unique.

Fields of Crimson
Unique 2H Sword

  • Critical Strike Damage

  • Strength

  • Critical Strike Damage

  • Vulnerable Damage

  • Ranks of Rend

Rend now deals damage in a 360 degree arc to all nearby enemies. Vulnerable Enemies take x50% Bleeding Damage.

I like your ideas for Gushing Wounds and Fields of Crimson.

I think Rupture should consume all bleeds and work properly.

If rupture didn’t health bosses Rupture would be a sweet skill, considering enhanced rupture would put a massive bleed on any target and then remove the bleed causing GW to proc from Rupture now always over powering… sounds amazing, just need to fix rupture :confused:

The Bleed is only 85% from Rupture OPs which isn’t very much. That is 85% over 5 seconds or only 17% Weapon DPS. Considering you have Skills that hit for 150% + Weapon Damage and can be spammed 1 per second or with high IAS, 2 per second that shows you just how bad Bleeds are. Also, your DoTs will never Crit or Overpower so it falls even more behind.

Still no idea why they haven’t added an overpower proc to Rend if they plan on keeping gushing wounds as is. Like make it similar to blood surge, overpower every 5 attacks while healthy if needed. Even then it’s worse than blood surge due to difference in range (blood surge hits entire screen).

Rend can Overpower since it deals direct damage but you need Earthstriker. It can be fairly quick, but you have to have the right set-up. The OPs do like no damage since the direct damage portion is so low like Flay.

Gushing Wounds would be fixed if they just let Bleeds Crit with the Key Passive and if the 85% Weapon Damage was a Direct Damage explosion on Overpowering any Bleeding enemies. That gives you a purpose to Overpower and Critical Strike Chance / CHD. They need to fix how CHD does not properly calculate the Gushing Wounds damage bonus also.

I really wish that they had an Offensive Rend Aspect that made it 360 degrees and increased the Bleed damage by x20% - 30%.