Srs - "We're listening" - on these forums?

The forum is where ‘crybabies’ are whining and the supposed ‘adults’ are making fun of them. Devs can’t really get much out of here.


I’m a big boy.

I would hope that devs don’t spend any of their time on this forum. The actual signal to noise ratio is pretty minimal. There are far more effective avenues for them to procure useful feedback.

If only you would be more attentive. If you were, you’d notice our flamboyant community manager posting frequently, stating he will report crap to the devs on our behalf.

So we got him and his little team, presumably, reading these threads daily and posting if they feel it’s appropriate.

they dont really read bug report unless its a huge post.

i had issues with controllers a while ago, and i kept posting there and it didnt get traction.

they simply do not care, no one gave me any answers.

so i start posting it here on pc general discussion where theres a lot more people, and well, got my answer within days…

the bug report forum is extremely useless…

We read posts here daily, and player feedback is reported in to the team. We can’t reply to every thread, or endorse player feedback points specifically, but it is taken into consideration.


There are some things which were requested from the very beginning which are just not there yet… and likely will never be.

I had a list, but at this point I’ll be very happy if just one item is ever introduced: in-game matchmaking for content. The current D4 community features are behind D2 even, nothing to be said about D3 or Immortal.

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But what about all the things people have asked for that have been introduced? Better loot, being able to resummon bosses without leaving the instance, make helltides less boring, more boss materials and so on. You can’t ignore that and say they aren’t listening because your personal list hasn’t been fulfilled.


I’ve brought up the missing resplendent sparks from the s4 migration to eternal many times here, on twitter, even in support tickets with absolutely no response on the issue. A simple acknowledgement would have been great instead of going months with complete radio silence.

And still no sparks in eternal after s4 land in and all eternal sparks vanished

What better loot? And helltides are boring, bring back the glitch or make it that permanently, the resummoning bosses I’ll agree there

The whole reworking of loot in season 4? You may not like it but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Same with helltides if it’s still boring for you then too bad but that doesn’t negate the fact it did happen and people asked for it.

So they changed stuff but didn’t fix it but that’s somehow a fix? And most people agree helltides are extremely boring minus maiden event. And I like masterworking, but tempering imo is one of the worst additions to this game yet, bricking an item never feels good, I’m playing a video game… And making tempers stronger then any other stat in the game on top of it wasn’t a good change imo. So yea opinions all around and so are yours.

Helltides are fine imho, theres just no gear to farm for and then when you do find a GA item - bricked. Unique items are just a “gotcha” mechanic as theyre all terrible other than a very select few.

Never seen a game try to frustrate its playerbase before at this level, other than maybe d3.

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All improvements are related to player base per class? Since there is a lack of players using druid and this mean there are no major changes / correction / fixes… Im pretty sad about constant destroy of anything that could work on druids and today probably is the worst class to play when comes related to early game and end game.

Why is a post simply acknowledging that the campfire chats being a groomed pr exercise that isnt a legit forum for meaningful dialog towards fixing content, class tuning/performance issues, bugs, and such, worthy of being deleted and scrubbed from these forums?

Like legit, d4 needs more eyes on class forums/bug reports/and potentially class discords.


So are you also responsible for silencing reasonable discussions?

Or when it says “removed by staff”
Is that just a bot?

I want a dragon I can fly around on and breath fire down on the helltide!


Oh so they aren’t deleting my content, they are putting it behind a wall only they can read.

There has to be room to sue them.

Not sure how the legal argument would go