Spiritborn Locked Isssue

Platform: Xbox series X
Ultimate edition
I don’t play on Bnet so my name on Xbox is Overwatch365
I would really like to hear an explanation on why I need to spend another $50 on this game after I already paid $90. This should not be an issue. One would think when buying a $90 dollar version of a game expansion that it would actually come with a playable version of the expansion. However, now when we are actually trying to play the game we are now being told that we need to buy more stuff because someone didn’t include all the information needed to run the game. Please explain to me how that is my fault or even my problem. I understand things go wrong and bugs/glitches happen but, I as a customer shouldn’t be asked to pay more money to buy something I already purchased. I understand that issues/bugs/glitches happen in usually very patient when it comes to these things but, this situation just seems like we as consumers are being taken advantage of.
Found a fix

Hope this helps anyone else