So I Wanted to drop this feedback here that someone from Blizzard could see.
So Far I have made 4 Spiritborns, 2 Barbs, 1 Druid, 1 Sorc, 1 Necro, and 1 Rouge
I have spent time playing all the classes testing out multiple builds, running different gear, trying out the new Mythics, ect.
While the Spiritborn is obviously and very clearly Broken, so badly that I don’t even think the full depth of how broken the class is has really been discovered yet lol.
I do believe that the Other 5 Classes are very well balanced and in a good place right now. I feel like this needs to be highlighted before Blizzard does something very brash like completely ruining the balance of the existing game to as some people have requested “Bring the other classes up to the spiritborns level”
I really don’t want to see this happen, As fun as it is to be overpowered once in a while the Spiritborn is just way too broken, feels like I am basically cheating.
Nothing in the game is even remotely challenging, it gets quite boring even playing it eventually. As we all know once you turn on the cheat codes in a video game it’s only a matter of time before the fun is lost. Then you lose interest in even playing at all.
Currently with the other classes, you get to 60, and work a bit and you can get to Torment 3 easily which is fine, then from there you gotta work at your gear and glyphs to get to torment 4 and passed it.
The Spiritborn is so ridiculous you can do Torment 4 with no glyphs and lazy gear. Once you put in a little effort you are off to Pit 80-100 with ease.
I guess what I am saying is that having played the Broken spiritborn, and having played the other classes I think it’s pretty clear that the other classes are how the game should really be.
Druid, Barb, Necro, Rogue, and Sorc are actually in a very good place right now balance wise, and It would be a shame to see that go out of the window because of a handful of bugs propping up the spirit born. Then all the balance you all have worked for many seasons goes right out the window.
If you view the classes from the original pit cap of 100 before they increased it to 150 for the spiritborn, you start to see the other classes are actually doing very well.
The devs even said themselves that 80 was considered the deep end of the pool. And every build gets to 80 easily
Season 5 was the closest we got to an amazing balanced game, and it looks like sans the Spiritborn you all have continued to refine that balance very well into Season 6.
Also I say handful but dear god there are so many at this point…
#1 Fellsooth Slayer Double, and Triple Dipping
#2 Interdiction/Redirected force Bug with uncapped block chance
#3 Viscous Shield Infinite Scaling Multiplier
#4 Rod of Kepeleke Scaling Damage with Resource Cost Reduction
#5 Jaguar Spirit hall Double and Triple Dipping
#6 Resolve Stacking Masterwork is much higher than any other masterwork of the same amount. 2->4->13? When Most +2 Bonuses go to +8 maybe if they are triple masterworked
#7 Double, Triple Masterworking a single item with Two identical affixes
Do I really need to go on lol?
So I kinda wanted to see how far I could push a Spiritborn without all the bugs, and looks like I am topping out around Pit 90-95 most of the time.
Secondly, there are a lot of fun builds on the spiritborn right now that won’t survive the bug fixes unfortunately. It would be nice if some of these very fun builds got rebalanced with the changes to make them viable once the bugs are patched out.