Sorry state of affair for Uniques

There are a few Uniques that are build defining but without being able to temper them 90-95% of Uniques have become unusable. It is a sad situation that this has developed. The game has really developed it’s theorycrafting side which is dependent upon choice and give and take (an your personal preference). In affect without being able to temper a Unique my joy at the slightly different pinky glow has disappeared . I can not believe that Blizzard wanted this to be so. If the devs don’t want Uniques to be relevant take them out. If they do want them to be relevant fix it, please


I realized why they couldn’t let you temper Unique items…imagine bricking your Shako? Lol
At the same time they do need something; I just don’t know what. Maybe Uniques drop with tempers already? That would make them even more niche/build dependent though.

Edit: dropping with their own unique versions of tempers already would be nice actually

Unusable may not be accurate. Non-meta – definitely. Though, meta is often, in itself, exclusionary.


This keeps popping up, so to add some context for you.

I’ll post it as many times as I need to.


I’m also fine without all the threads about people bricking their uniques.


I’m in favor of preserving the unique identity of Uniques. So if there’s a rework, this thing needs to be kept in mind.

That said, some tempers are very powerful like a chance to double cast on weapons. This doesn’t just affect the DPS, but you could proc effects twice when you double cast. They will have a though time balancing Unique weapons against this.

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Essentially, getting the right Temper roll is nice, but it shouldn’t be the end of an item’s usefulness.

I have had a few during upgrading that didn’t work out, but I would still use the item.

I think people are getting too hung up on the feature myself.

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Well, there still are few uniques that are worth equipping, so i guess the solution would be to make all uniques have “unique” and powerful effects. Also they have to buff the stats on them, which seem from a forgotten era, like “Grasp of shadow” unique at 925 rolls with 28-42 DEX and 31-52% Shadow clone damage, while a legendary of the same ilvl rolls with 76-90 DEX and can be tempered with 114-150% Shadow clone damage, this is 3 times as much as the unique!

Anyway they kinda kneecapped themselves with the new system of greater affixes and mastercrafting, since this limits uniques to a really strict formula, making us wonder if these items still have any relevance to the game and are not just a relic from the past that could better be transformed into legendary aspects.

Make them temperable , 3 slots , and ANY affixes (like movement on a weapon) for instance.

It is weird you can MW them but not temper.

Temper is an easy fix though maybe not the best one.

But wow, at a minimum, please update the affix ranges to match the current itemization system.

You can find uber uniques with grater affixes. These would be better than most of the best tempered Legendary items. Now that they ahve made getting uber uniques easier they no longer should be BIS. The uber uber uniques with one or more greater affixes are the new UBERs.

I realize other people on forum have said that Uniques need to be tempered, I am saying at the present situation 90%+ are basically unusable. If not regular tempering let a unique temper token drop with a particular type of temper (offense cuttthroat finesse). 1 token 1 temper at the same rate of unique drops. That will not fill up the inventory. Something because it aint even close to acceptable now.

What is unusable exactly? That is you put it on and it doesn’t work? or that it doesn’t stack up with the upper echelon of builds? Cause if we’re talking meta – 99% of legendaries (not just uniques) aren’t usable.

Uniques are a trade. You give up a piece of gear for an effect that you can’t get elsewhere. The affixes they provide are supposed to be distinct. They are not intended to supersede all legendaries. When you equip a unique you gotta make a choice on what you’re giving up to do that. The choice to put a unique on isn’t and shouldn’t be a no brainer.

This all sounds like the classic “gear is imbalanced” argument which, I’m sorry, will never be resolved. I wish it could be. Blizzard can’t balance five classes, much less the nuances of almost 100 uniques.


What is unusable exactly? That is you put it on and it doesn’t work? or that it doesn’t stack up with the upper echelon of builds?

Well there’s unusable like that and then there’s unusable like a legendary can have better stats and with tempering a better effect than most current uniques. An example from above that I would consider the unique to be worthless:

“Grasp of shadow” unique at 925 rolls with 28-42 DEX and 31-52% Shadow clone damage, while a legendary of the same ilvl rolls with 76-90 DEX and can be tempered with 114-150% Shadow clone damage

I don’t play rogue so I had to look this up. It seems that Grasp of Shadows also does:

Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy with a Marksman or Cutthroat Skill has up to a [24-34%] chance to summon a Shadow Clone that mimics your attack.

Which is the unique part that (I assume) you can’t get anywhere else. If you don’t value that, then don’t equip the unique. I often don’t look at a unique in a 1:1 bubble between what it directly replaces, but rather if I value the unique effect and if I can compensate with on other gear or cope with the loss of other stats to get that effect.

If you only look at the affixes of a unique and compare it to a legendary, then it should be lesser. The unique is often not powerful because of its stats, but because of the effect changes you can’t get elsewhere.


Affixes matter and it’s part of the calculation, especially now with the existence of greater affixes, and right now this is what makes the difference between a unique with a non-build enabling affix that was good last season and a the same unique being worthless this season.

I would not worry too much about uniques being useless now. Blizzard will see that nobody is using them (with a few exceptions) in their data and make adjustment in the future.

When the water coming out of someone in Louisiana’s faucet is discolored and toxic, and they make a thread pointing this out, would you say “hey, don’t worry about your cancer water. The local government will see the data on who’s getting sick and dying and make adjustments in the future!”?

Sounds like a useless and dismissive comment right?

No because we know that Blizzard monitors D4 data in real time and they have already mentioned in interviews and posts that they are aware of the uniques situation, but they prefer to leave as is for now (to collect more data).

See? Not so stupid comment now, is it?

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Hard agree.
The worst offender is Unique Weapons imo. Probably something that Rogue and Barbarian don’t suffer with because lmao 3/4 weapon slots

Look at Druid for example. All of it’s weapons sans Staff of the Crone are literally F tier.
Staff of the Crone builds themselves will suffer going forward because 1. the affixes are lower than what you can get on standard items. 2. you’re missing out on extremely powerful ‘weapon temper’ affixes and 3. getting even 1x Greater Affix staff will be difficult.

Uniques need a focused pass, and I’d say it’s needed THIS season in the mid season patch.

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