When you have the aspect that makes your Ball Lightning orbit around you, they’ll disappear when they collide with a wall or barricade. It’s very annoying when doing a dungeon with narrow corridors or a bunch of doors.
Sorcerer orbiting ball lighting are currently breaking on collision with terrain. Walls, doorways, room columns, decorations.
Regardless of whether it is intentional or a bug, it makes tight spaces (like Kor Dragan) a miserable play experience. You’re basically getting the resource sapper debuff because of terrain.
Cross-posting the sorc thread here because I think this should be considered a bug.
I added short videos to that post to illustrate the issues.
A month from the original post and no acknowledgement of the bug? Even if it will take a while to fix, at least some recognition that this is on the radar would be appreciated.
Season 2, November 23, still happening. I have video clip if needed.
any update regarding this bug Blizzard ?? it is super annoying, like a real punishment
any official response would be highly appreciated Blizzard !
After clearing full S2 content I figured I’d try BL because it’s supposedly fun
run in dungeon, wall eats ball lightning
scenery pillar eat ball lightning
doorway eat ball lightning
waller elite deletes all ball lightning on wall spawn
even walking into a suppressor field from an elite will instantly vanish all ball lightning
it’s beyond frustrating. it’s infuriating.