Sorcerer Defense Gutted

I use them at the same time. I don’t use a defensive skill so I can use the aspect that increases dmg by 40% with no defensive on skill bar and I’m running incinerate build this season.

What sort of damage are you able to output with that set-up in a lvl 60 pit or can it kill a tormented boss?

I guess the reason i asked is that blizzard and incinerate arent going to scale well, so blizz is used as a buff/debuff/additional xfals proc, perhaps. Not a usual application but one i had considered at one point a while back (wasnt feasable for what i had in mind at the time, but doesnt kill the idea).

What are you using to break CC? Metamorphosis?

If soft core just take the death and move on lol, I might do that too

Sorc is the only class solo killed the T200 PIT boss with the Rogue helped clear the trash mobs., ironically :unamused:

As long as Blizzard continue let the bug build untouched I will give them another season. They should never fix the Druid Boulder bug in PTR so no one will keep knocking their doors about Barb is imbalance.

So lesson to Blizzard is, don’t fix any unintended interaction in PTR unless it reduce player damage. Let the content and bug skill play it out itself in the season. I have already told Blizzard to nerf the visual part of dust devil in last PTR and leave everything untouched. We will have a very balance season which every class has bug or overtuned build include sorcerer. They end up over fix sorc and druid and let other bugged class skills pass through. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I kind of disagree with Sorc being squishy.

But they do definitetly lack the same skill damage as the favored classes, especially in Single Target, they are pretty useful in CC scenarios…but that doesn’t really carry over to 1v1 boss fights, where the weaker damage becomes obvious.

On PTR there is a new legendary for DR from Vyr’s Mastery passive on an amulet it is pretty decent but even on the 1x rate gear it is not bad.

Sorcs are extremely squishy. They have by far the LOWEST Armor & Life stats of all the classes - making survival in the endgame difficult vs other classes. The game is horribly balanced all around. Classes & mobs are in serious need of balance/consistency. Nerfing everything into the ground a la Season 1 isn’t the answer period. Blizzard is reneging on their promise not to nerf everything into the ground in the aftermath of the swift backlash they received in the wake of Patch 1.1.0. It’s Season 1 all over again if Blizzard goes through with the proposed changes in Season 5.

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Its much worse than S0 if they launch S5 in this state.

Anyone miss the good old days when game developers added cheat codes into their games? …then sold the list of how to activate them in paperback.

Armor is capped and everyone can hit 9230.
Life …sure. But I don’t see it as that far from Necro…although Necro has Fortify.
Sorc has decent Damage reduction glyphs.
And has barrier on cooldown passively.
Resistances are kinda easy to hit on Sorc and Druid compared to the other classes. Like I have all skulls in my jewelery to free up affixes for other things, because I don’t need to put resistances in them.

Staying alive has never really been the issue for me, but I do play an Oculus based build. It is more some single target fights take so long…you basically get whittled down.

Armor may be capped but still doesn’t change the fact that Sorcs have a far more difficult time reaching said cap due to them having the LOWEST Armor rating of all the classes. Druids have low Armor ratings but have a far easier time reaching the cap vs Sorcs. Suffice it to say the classes are HORRIBLY BALANCED. Same goes for the mobs in-game too. Blizzard has a lot of work to do when it comes to class & mob balance.

so instead of resist gems, you socket armor…

armor cap was never a problem for sorc really, out of all of the problems you picked that one? i dont get it…

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I am finding it hard to believe that they 9230 cap is hard to hit for anyone.

I literally have one GA Armor Affix and one tempered Total Armor % on my chest. And one Total Armor % on my amulet. And the 3 skulls and I am at like 10K.
925 gear alone starts you at like 4600ish. A few levels of Masterworking and you can kinda even optimize on how many tempers you need to hit the cap.

And no not hitting the 25% for armor, I will usually reset that, just the 5% increments. If you can’t find a GA affix piece for armor just get two peices with armor affix. The GA is only 25% more (roughly) than the max value for armor on the affix.

Sorc survivability is suspect at best & Blizzard is making it worse by nerfing all Sorc defensive skills vs addressing the real issue - infinite Flame Shield. Instead of addressing the infinite Flame Shield exploit exclusively, they’re taking it further by nerfing all Sorc defensive skills into the ground. Barbs can achieve effective God aka Immortal status via stacking the Martial Vigor temper on their gear. Yet Blizzard is making no attempts to address this in the PTR that I’m aware of… I have played all 5 classes this season & Sorc is by far the squishiest bar none. Rogue & Druid are a close second. Even my HotA Barb has a hard time surviving due to the lack of Resistances available to her. My Necro has max Armor/Resistances & yet has trouble staying alive vs Hellborn due to the UNGODLY damage they do in the higher WTs. Hellborn are not worth the hassle so I end up having to hightail it out of dodge when they appear on-screen in the higher WTs. Suffice it to say that class/mob balance are a SICK JOKE in this game & need serious attention from the dev team.

Cheat codes are a thing of the past now that many games are going the Live Service route…

I agree with you there is a lot of varaince in damage output and even health between the classes and it does need to be normalized to the same order of magnitude.

But those problems become apparent in the high tier activities like the pit past lvl 50. Or NMD lvl95+, before that it is just a matter of upgrading your gear to be better than the content. Now believe me I understand it can seem worse if you are doing less damage as you need to deal with the monsters for longer.

But if you are struggling with the hellborne in WT4, there is one Hellborne that is kinda cheap, he freezes you with one shot and then kills you with the next, but the others are not that bad. At the maiden event you do need to avoid some attacks as you won’t tank them so the only option is to out run them. I am facing this on the PTR right now because my Sorc damage output is not high enough. I can clear the levels easily, but the boss fight is a struggle.

One other thing, short of looking at your paragon (unless you want to share it), Make sure the boards where you have armor, or resistances, you put early so you get the double bonus, and use the Glyphs that have the %Boost to Rare Nodes in these. This will give you bigger numbers (more than double of what is in the node) from the Armors and Resistances in Rare nodes. I do still think it is easier to hit the armor cap on gear for the Sorc class, but Resistances for sure on the paragon for Sorc.

I have zero issues taking it to the Blood Maiden boss on any WT. Attacks are easy to dodge/avoid due to their telltale telegraphs. Even the Hellborn Disciples are easily dispatched during the Blood Maiden fight. Hellborn on the otherhand are ridiculously OP/unbalanced. Especially in WT3/WT4. Not worth the hassle & their loot drops are suspect outside of Profane Mindcages which are being removed at the end of the season anyway.

You forgot that any damage will immediately destroy the barrier and life along with resistances, and with the change you can also buy a Tesla.

Sorcs have the lowest defenses and life. So they are squishy. They can be one shot through barrier while other classes stand and laugh.