Sorcerer Defense Gutted

Trying to understand logic here when Barbarians are one shotting, literally, all of the tormented bosses and they do higher dps than sorcerers with higher defense.

In fact, all of the other classes do.

I understand nerfing flame shield invulnerability. What you should be doing is buffing the classes defense so it would not have to crutch on something like this to be able to complete higher level content. Instead, Flame shield is dismantled along with all of the other defenses the class has?

Please explain the logic here. Happy to be educated on this topic.


i agree that timing the shield is the difference between life and death in even mid-game content, especially with bosses that can stun/freeze/etc. I thought they just buffed the ice-shield, or was that change not considered a buff? Any improvement to the sorc would be great, however, it should be a universal benefit and not just to 1 build.

Would be nice if all the classes could keep up with the barb.


wait it out. we dont know all the new aspects that are coming yet. as of now, the sorc changes confuse me a little as well, but theres no point to get into it just yet. PTR is luckily close, we will see how stuff works out =)

well, according to their statements theyd want that as well ^^

Wait for season of sorcerers.

Currently we are at the season of Necromancers and barbarians

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Because they don’t get sorc at all. All they saw is every sorc running with inv flame shield and they haven’t realised why… The class is starving for surv options, it’s pretty much mandatory to run 3-4 def skills - unlike any other classes.


No active barrier added to Ice Amor. 40% HP barrier to sorc means Sorc can be even one shot by normal mob considering Sorc base HP is low

I just do not think Blizzard dev understand sorc at all


No it is a nerf, instead of 100% barrier for the duration of iceshield, you only get 25 or 40% now and there is no refilling and you get it once.


I really hope that this week the PTR shows the sorcs are now insanely tough and can clear high PIT levels with ease just so everyone whining without actually testing it can relax.

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i’ve thoroughly enjoyed playing my sorc. Got it to 100 on the eternal realm during the mother’s blessing xp. My barb is seasonal and is my only viable option to farm the pit and do endgame stuff. Can’t wait until barb transfers to eternal.

oh jeez, why? i run both fire and ice barrier. they’re my “oh sht” buttons

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well once the bugged builds are fixed we will see what is what. but right now sorcs with shatter key passive are doing the highest dps. hence why they have pushed the highest pit tiers

i was under the impression necro had the most burst damage right now. i don’t have any issue with my damage for the build. it’s above average, my issue is defense. if i get interrupted at all i’m dead. playing the sorc has really taught me survivability tho, made me an even better barb player.

no sorc has pushed higher than any other class in pit. which isnt about defense but damage due to the hp increase of mobs and bosses. last i checked sorc had cleared pit 175, might be higher now

If you pay attention, these are immortal sorcs, which is nerfed. Other sorcs could not compete at all


Its the shatter passive that does aaaaall the damage for sorc in that firebolt/perma immune build.

Kill something and it will explode. The higher the HP of the mob that explodes the more damage it does, so naturally higher pit = more damage ad infinitum. You just need to be able to set off the chain reaction.

That build can only do 1 particular boss in the pit. The boss needs to have adds that can be exploded on top of the boss otherwise its leave and try the next run.

Its a gimmick build, raiment to constantly group up big packs of mobs to explode with shatter. And then fish for the correct boss which is 1/12 chance i believe.


if you pay attention pit is about dps and not defense. its about dealing trillions of damage

LOL, Try a sorc without Flame shield and Ice Armor , then tell me your answer. Do not speak up if you know noting about sorc


i enjoy my current build too much to change to this untouchable shatter build. maybe i’m stubborn. i just want to experience fully masterworked gear before i get burned out. if that means farming the pit with my barb so my other eternal toons can have masterworked gear so be it. i can tell you i’m really close to burnout tho, i like variety, i like progression, when i hit a wall i don’t want to have to change builds/classes.

know plenty about sorc. but you are trying to deny sorc is capable of more dps than any other class when it has been proven otherwise. but like i said when all the bugs are fixed we will see where things lie.

Barbs have been OP in every single season. They nerfed HotA Barb hardcore in Season 4 but other Barb builds have picked up the mantle HotA left behind after being nerfed…

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