Sorcerer Defense Gutted

I mentioned this in the other form, but Barbarians can still achieve immortality by stacking Martial Vigor to get over 100% damage reduction versus elites.


Every sorc runs those. It’s basically mandatory.

Same with rogue and DS.

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Sorcs have lowest Life & lowest Physical Defense (Armor) numbers. Most Sorc builds can easily max out their Resistances but that means little if their Life & Armor values are so low that they can be wrecked by a few hits &/or one-shotted due to the aforementioned low Life/low Armor… The game is unbalanced which needs to be addressed.


Hasnt it been season of the barb since s0? Discounting the accidental BL bug for sorc ?

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You shall try and you shall fail, because there is none :smiley:

Keep in mind that if Sorc is ever doing any significant dmg it is because of a bug/unintended interaction!


They need to tune the classes. They made a huge changes to items. We knew this season werent gonna be balanced.

They need to nerf the broken skills. Even if the class overall is weak. Cant keep skills broken and make the classes rely on that.

You don’t even know the meaning of word dps, pathetic troll.

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you mean damage per second? so you see how pit works is you have a limited time to kill enough mobs to summon the boss. then you have to kill the boss to complete the pit. each level of pit the hp of mobs and boss go up by about 10%. so far only sorc has been able to have enough damage to complete pit 175. do you understand what dps is?

The funny part is that all the changes to resistances started because of the complaints of Sorc being so squishy. Sorcs are still that squishy.


Yeah the patch is kind of a mixed bag for sorcerers as a whole. Lots of cool new stuff, but also some weird changes imo.

Flame Shield Nerf is needed, but honestly, for a class that is more reliant on Barrier than any other class, they sure as hell don’t have enough ways to consistently generate it. They get exactly two consistent generators of it, which don’t stack… Ice Armor and Protection.

Ice Armor’s only saving grace is that it can (currently) recover and reach 100% Max Life value through damage and no other investment. Other than that, the base value is still low enough to not bother scaling with ranks. Even after the update where it’ll be ~60% base at Rank 5 and require ~70% barrier Generation to even start at 100%. Investing that much into Barrier Generation is also going to heavily reduce your Maximum Life (and Max Barrier by extension)

Protection can be more consistent in lightning builds, as they often can use Teleport enough to essentially maintain the bonus, but it’s 30% Max Life and that’s it. You can’t scale it with Barrier Generation, repeated activations don’t stack, nothing. Plus to top it off, you get your choice of the 7 cooldown skills available to acti- yeah no, you’re pretty much always going to run most of the Defensive Skills and your choice of Ultimate.

Barrier only gets real value when it’s also used alongside every Damage Reduction option the Sorc has available. Which they have a lot of surprisingly, it’s just all over the place and a lot of it is weirdly conditional. Hitting with Charged Bolts, Using Teleport, Spend 100 Mana with Mana Shield, Barrier (With Reinforced), being close (Vyr’s, Territorial)

All of these kind of have their issues too. Charged Bolts will only come from Unstable Currents unless you build around it. Teleport is relatively free, since it’s used in most builds. Spending mana can be kind of iffy, since the value doesn’t scale down with Cost Reduction, which some skills need to be manageable. Barrier is sort of free, because of Protection, but relies on Teleport and other defensive. Then being Close… is not at all where Sorc should be, unless you’re on a Shock Build.


Somebody has to buy the headstone cosmetics :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorc to me feels super tanky.
Aspect when I have a summon reduces dmg by 20%
When standing in blizzard, 20%
When casting incinerate, 30%
Reduction from burning enemies 48%
Reduction from close, 15%
Max armor and max resistances as well.

Do you even know how to make a good build or do you copy streamers builds and have no clue what’s going on ?

In D2, there was no such thing as infinite invulnerability.

But you had Teleport without a cooldown and that was what Sorcs used to stay alive, and it was effective and fun and we all loved it.

I think Teleport should have its cooldown removed, but cost a ton of mana or something and disable Sorc evade as a consequence.

Or if you put Teleport as your enchant, remove its cooldown and disable evade. Something like that would make people not have to be pigeonholed into flame shield.

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instead, you get +3 seconds cooldown and base damage increased from 25% to 35%.

Aspect of Firebird ???
Need a 100% up barrier so Temerity + Soulbrand ?

Infinite Shield is an exploited bad game design… it should never happens.
Anyway, did you get the infinite shield at all ? it requires a very specific (and hard to get) gear… If not, why are you complaining about something you don´t have ?

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Is this just a list of DR sources or you use all these at the same time?

Obviously just a random list.

If argue they did a terrible job on pretty much every class except barbs.

They have so much passive HP it is fine to not run full 3 shouts.

Necromancers almost always run bloodmist and/or bonestorm, tendrils, decrepify.

Rogue almost always have shroud, shadow step and dash

Sorc almost always have teleport, flame shield and ice shield.

Druids, well who cares about them? Certainly not the devs lol.

So yeah this isn’t really a sorc problem, it’s a pretty universal problem overall.

Sorcs have always been squishy. They have the lowest Life & Armor stats of all the classes. They pack high elemental Resistance but are generally lacking in terms of Life & Armor. Nerfing everything outside of infinite Flame Shield is totally unnecessary & needs to be reversed. Hopefully players make this clear in the Season 5 PTR.