Sorc has too much

I noticed last season that my poorly geared Ball Lightning Sorc had way more survivability with 7k HP than my Amazingly geared Necro had with 100k HP. Reason being the Sorc was immortal due to cooldown reset mechanics.

That was somewhat balanced, due to not necessarily having the damage output, the damage was still good, but, not top end.

But now… Currently. Sorcs have.

The best defensives in the entire game - Quite literally, immortality on a 1 second cooldown once geared.
The best mobility in the entire game - Again, quite literally the best mobility option in the entire game on a 1 second cooldown once geared.
The best AoE damage in the entire game - Not debatable, nobody does more dmaage in a mob dense scneario.
Top 3 single target spec in the entire game…

Sorcs, in general, need nerfs to either their mobility or their defensives, because it’s just a huge embarrassment of riches. It’s similar to mage in WoW, where they were just given the absolute best of every single possible mechanic, that’s what current Sorc has.

Cooldown Reduction Mechanics (Partly due to poorly designed conjuration), make them uncontestable.

  • Fire Shield needs nerfs. It needs to not be effected by cooldown resets. (Permanent invulnerability to mechanics is just stupid).
  • Teleport needs it’s cooldown reset capability capped, Sorcs don’t even need to mouse to move, they can just blink from one side of the screen to the other with next to no cooldown.
  • Conjuration Mastery needs to be redesigned, or the maximum amount of conjurations needs to be capped.

Maybe next season. Let them have their fun for now. lol


But what about barbillionaires?


Are you thinking of LS/FO Sorcs? If yes, you know there’s other Sorc builds?


I always find it extremely odd that people whine about other classes because they are better.

Why does it even concern you?

This game is mostly single player anyways… Them being better then you doesn’t even change your game play.

So does it all boil down to jealousy?


Ya, it’s basically jealousy. Some people are very attached to a class and they don’t really want to try out other classes and if the class they love isn’t performing well compared to another class no matter what they do, I bet it’s not going to feel good.

For example, in this season, you can pour billions into a barbarian. It will do OK. They can still do everything and do Tier 8 IH just fine. But you look around and see that 3/4 of the game population is LS sorc and they obliterate T8 IH with less than half the budget you spent on your favorite class, I bet that can’t possibly feel good.

It doesn’t affect me though. Im a dirty meta chaser so I already switched from barb to sorc/rogue. But I understand not everyone operates this way.


Because Blizzard has a tendency to balance high end content around dealing with broken builds. Meaning if you aren’t running one of these builds, doing some endgame content becomes very difficult.

Luckily the gap between the top builds and other builds isn’t as vast as it has been in prior seasons. So using an off meta builds isn’t as crippling as it was.

I chalk this thread up to people being worried about being in another situation like last season.

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I dont get it either. Half the threads anymore is players whining about other classes. God forbid sorceror is finally in a state that people want to play it. :roll_eyes:


If they mean Sorc is better, that’s quite a limited perception because they are more than likely just comparing LS/FO. They are probably not aware it’s the same issue with non LS/FO builds. Take that build out and pretty much Sorc is average to good.

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Honestly Ball Lightning S2 and LS/FO S5 isn’t the state I want Sorc to become, BUT based from what I have read, most Sorc players like that. So I am part of the minority and my opinion probably doesn’t matter.


I’m pretty sure it’s just jealousy coming from 1 trick pony’s that only play 1 class and sulk when their class isn’t on top…

I maxed my Sorc and now I’m suffering through levelling my Druid XD


As stated… I have played Sorc in every season and I have a Sorc this season, too.

You’re allowed to tell the truth about your own class, it’s ok to do that. Fire Shield is massively overpowered given the none existant cooldown.
You’re permanently immune to slow, CC’s, damage, debuffs and any mechanic in the entire game just through that one singular button.

How is that not “overpowered” ?

You clearly have no idea what youre talking about. Please stop calling for nerfs to classes other than your own and pretending that you’re one of them.

1.) Firshield has already been nerfed in s5. It has a long cooldown. And FS lasts 2 seconds base. Perm fireshield ended in s4. To get perm FS in s4 you had to have near impossible to get gear
2.) Teleport already has been nerfed stupidly. And most classes like barb and rogue already have a teleport like capability. The cooldown has increased.
3.) There is a cap on conjurations except for LS. This will most likely be fixed in s6.

LS is an A tier build though it is debatable for it to be S tier. All other classes have at lease two S tier builds to choose from. Seriously dude, stop whining.


I agreed with a lot of your post, but this is nonsense. LS is easily the top build and is warping the meta around it.

The nerf they need is to cap or scale down the crit damage multi from splintering aspect (or make it additive or just have it say “this damage is treated as a critical strike”, which would be the coolest change).

Capping the max LS conjurations would also be fine, but I think the cap should be high or there should be a way to invest affixes / aspects / glyphs into raising the caps on the conjurations.

I think if FS is on every build that’s a problem and it should be adjusted so that it’s more of a choice. I’m not sure every build needs FS now with the new IA aspect and the longer cooldown, but it’s hard to beat immunity as a mechanic at the very top end. Frost Nova somehow feels underpowered at this point.

TP on the other hand is the iconic Sorc skill. It should basically be an autoinclude for every Sorc, at least as the enchant. Needing to invest in it to make it low cooldown would be better than just having Sorcs blitting everywhere for free, but being able to do it occasionally should be part of almost every Sorc build. This is a case where they should just buff mobility skills on other classes rather than keep nerfing TP.


Don’t get the moaning at all. One build from a multitude that no one forces you to play. Lots crying over a class that was significantly behind all others for over a year then all the moaners are out to play.

Don’t get it, I normally play sorc and this season I am having more FUN than previous. Until they release more team content and the ability to switch off 90% of other chars effects it bothers no one apart from the 15% of crybarbies who want it all.


The only way some people feel good is to bring others down.


Most Sorc players will never manage to get the 1s cool down you are talking about. I am playing a sorcerer for the first time this season, Fireball and I am dying a lot more than in previous season with my Pulv Druid. Sure, damage is better and AoE is fantastic but when the shield is on cool down, you get hit and you die.


I pkay Fireball. Survivibility sucks

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The secret is simple: take down your opponent before he strikes.
Finally understood the complaint of some players dying in the Helltide while checking their map.

I don’t think he meant the LS/FO current meta. I think he just means the standard LS build.