Sorc has too much

Bwahaha! What a farce. It’s S++. If you’re not easily killing top end in seconds - you’re doing it wrong.


Why? What difference does it make if a sorc has it good this season. Some characters are more challenging than others to play and and some not that’s fine IMO. I don’t play a sorc, but I don’t care how well a sorc does or doesn’t work.


OP you are what is wrong with the game. You are the reason Necro went from having fun builds to useless trash, why sorc has only had one dominant season, and why barb is perptually being nerfed. Perhaps if we had all the builds from previous seasons that made each class a powerhouse we would actually have better class balance now. But nooooo let’s just whine and complain and nerf everything until nobody bothers to play anymore. Literally brain dead.


I agree, I want all the great builds from previous seasons to still be great (without needing 3x uber uniques). Bring back Victimize Heartseeker, that was one of the most fun builds I’ve played in any season.


Really… I have a pretty decent sorc, lightning spear… I die more often than not because of silly one shots or invisible 0.1 time floor AOE, explosions… Also my Cooldowns for flameshield is around 12 seconds and double that of ice armor and almost all my gear is masterworked at least 10/12… Oh and teleport usually is on a 15+ second cooldown too.

So what are you smoking, really?

The sorc is a glass canon which can’t take 1 mezely hit from the simplest easiest monster on t80+

OP obviously has never ever played a sorc… He just loves to whine about other classes which he doesn’t play.


I use Teleport and Leap to shortcut cliffs :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s player’s fault that builds were nerfed. Blizzard is the one that made the changes. Unless you tell me that Blizzard will just nerf things just because players complain about it… if thats the case, then they are incompetent.

Blizzard has their own philosophy and directions. Countless players complained about tempering and called for a way to reset tempers, but Blizzard took a stance and said there needs to be a way to brick items and they refuse to add temper reset. Whether that’s good for the game or not is beside the point. It shows that Blizzard does have their own stance on things and they are willing to go against player pushback. So why would it be different for nerfing builds? If Blizzard wanted those builds to stay strong, they wouldn’t have nerfed it despite how much players whined.

I mean sure, that’s probably hyperbole on my part, it does get annoying seeing a nerf post all the time.

I would like to think they do the right thing, but there is certainly been knee-jerk nerfs that clearly had not alot of thought into the ramifications across an entire class. The latest Barbarian change feels exactly like what happened to Druid a few seasons back that bricked Overpower and Tornado druids.

Sorcs are a glass cannon class. They are the only class in the game that has 3-4 defensives are their bars. They are not broken when every build requires that many active skills to stay alive. Sorcs are a “don’t die simulator.” They have firebolt and LS builds that are fairly competitive, but they are still glass cannons. They kill stuff before they get smacked.

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Really enjoying LS sorc. I think it’s my fave sorc build of all time. It’s a littttttle laggy (feels like im playing old D3, lol) but man, it does everything well. It sucks that they nerfed barbs so much but I would have never even tried this build if barbs were playable.

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How can you say this when 90% of all Barb builds are are just “run triple shout and Iron Skin”

Its funny how sorc been in a terrible state for the longest period of time compared to the other classes. When it finally get a season where its shines it gets nerfed mid season and ppl (mainly barb players) moan like crazy.

The meta will switch around. Thats how it was done in d3 and ppl enjoyed it. Barb doesnt have to be the best class every season. Its fine i promise.

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Only one of the shouts is an actual defensive. All builds have legendary aspects or uniques that can modify a defensive into something slightly offensive or vice versa.

These types of threads are sad. Just let people have fun. Sorc is fun at the moment you want it taken away. Just stop with threads like this. Seriously.


It still is. Aside from one build, which will get obviously changed. Sorc got some improvements, but remove the FO/LS build, and guaranteed players would be complaining about Sorc problems.

Spear wasn’t nerfed. Wait until S6 to see your nerfs.


Did the Barb community hire a lobby firm? :thinking: :smile:
Sorc will get nerfed, devs HATE sorc and their mothers, everyone knows they are Barb’s boys :muscle: :point_left: :heart_eyes:. This is a fake out, next season our boy will be back.

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Lol :smiley: dream more :smiley: Next season is for Spiritborn. Barb will stay bad, so it does not overshadow spiritborn :smiley:

Right, forgot about the new ‘not P2W’ :wink: class. Among the legacy classes, the has beens and the cast-offs, Barb will still shine in SB’s shadow! :face_holding_back_tears:

Aside from Bleed Barb, all other Barb builds ranged from “meh” to “lmao”, and yet the crippling, class wide nerfs came down all the same.
Like, Death Blow with that new Unique would have probably been a legit build if Unbridled Rage didn’t get turned into the worst passive in the entire game for example.

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Oh be quiet, not everything need to be nerfed into uselessness. Can’t stand people like this. Look at the sad state Barbarian is in after they listened to the vocal OP OP OP! crowd.

Necromancer needs buffs if anything. Minion builds were ALMOST in a really good spot, only time they were really great was when they were abusing the Holy Bolt elixer. Really not sure why they needed to be nerfed after that. I really question what these devs are thinking sometimes. Did they really mean for Necro and Barb to be the worst classes this season? If theyd done a good job, they should be middle of the road and at least somewhat competitive with the other three classes.

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