Something is wrong with my RNG

The game seems to have targeted my RNG. I rarely get uniques while my friends are getting multiple per day. We are even playing together and they are getting multiple in one session while I get none. 5 days it took between unique drops. lvl 73 and only 10 uniques have dropped for me: 3 Vasily’s, 2 mad wolf’s Glee, 1 mothers embrace, 1 hunter’s Zenith, 1 Frostburn, 1 greatstaff of the crone, 1 temerity. My friend got 4 in a few minutes. Thats about how many I get per week if I’m lucky. WT4, NM dungeons well above my level, in a party. everything that is supposed to boost your odds of getting uniques and I get nothing. Druid NEEDS certain uniques to play past lvl 80. Werebear Falls off quickly. I want to do a werewolf build, but Tempest roar is literally required for that. Even my friends have noticed that there is a problem when they’ve had dozens of uniques, at least 2-3 per day drop for them while I’m playing with them, yet its days between my drops. Pure RNG with no pity system or a way to focus farm drops is going to make me quit because the content will soon be to strong for me at level. PLEASE look into this! Something has to be wrong with my account for me to be getting this bad of RNG. No one else seems to be having this issue.

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I am 75 and have had 2 pairs of pants, 2 rings, 1 pair of gloves, and 1 pair of boots. That is it.

RNG is RNG. Its… random. Some folks will have great luck, some folks will have bad luck. That is just how it is. Your game/account is not bugged. Its just RNG doing what it does best. Trolling us.

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Out of curiousity, did you refund a blizzard/activision game before? I’m wondering if its some kind of retaliation.
And pure RNG with no pity system is a great way to lose player base as I stated above, the content will soon be to strong and not getting drops is demoralizing while your friends are getting rained on with uniques.

My guy… you are wandering into some tin-foil hat territory now.

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Tin foil hatters have been right a lot lately. Is retaliation really outside of their (lack of) moral boundaries? They removed Nickmerc’s cosmetic bundle for saying “leave kids alone”, so they’ve retaliated before. They’ve also targeted employees after they reported sexual assaults and harassment.
Retaliation isn’t foreign to them. Would a “F U” algorithm to players that refunded a game REALLY be outside of their limits?

And again, even if it is pure RNG (mine being garbage), it needs to be fixed. Why keep playing if the game isn’t going to reward your time and effort? It needs to be looked at. Pure RNG means that there WILL be players that could put 100k hours into the game and never get the item they need. We need a way to focus farm specific items.

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this has to be a joke…


As we used to say back in the WOW days.

QQ More kid. Lol sucks to suck!