Some ideas to make the game more enjoyable

With all due respect to the aesthetic of the game and to the gameplay (imo skills feels good and combat feels pretty fluid)
those are some ideas that in my opinion could improve the game a lot.

-Reduce exp gained, but ramp up density A LOT

-make nightmares worth, have them scale rewards with difficulty, at least have them drop high item power loot consistently, and buff the completion reward.
Increase the density based on the tier

-make sigils a currency that I can apply to the dungeon I want, instead of them being a random dungeon access ticket.
I understand you want players to enjoy the open world and the diverse dungeon biomes, but forcing me to run around to reach them is just tedious.
Plus they feel too generic now with the density nerfs, so there’s no really any difference besides the layout.

-To have people navigate the map and run different dungeons rather than the same endlessly, tie some unique reward to them.
Since you put emphasis on the “factions” of enemies such as cultists, drowned, snake cult, fallen, undead etc
why not having some rewards specifically tied to them, obtainable in the zones where those factions are dominant?
Grim Dawn nemesis monsters is an excellent example of valuing monsters factions

-buff the tree of whispers reward, since it forces you to do different tasks, so there’s more variety in the content you need to play.

-lvl 50 capstone was nice and lvl 70 was great imo, replaying them at max level would be a very good addition.

-uber versions of andariel and duriel.
As for Elias, playing them only once during the campaign looks like a massive waste to me.
Andariel in particular, it’s an awesome boss fight.

-To avoid having stuff become obsolete, tie contents to each other like this:
To access ubers i need crafting materials obtained both from Tree of Whispers cache AND from running nightmares.
To craft nightmare sigilis i need materials dropped normal dungeons bosses
(bosses are a joke in term of loot, there’s literally zero reasons to do them in a normal dungeon)
World boss cache gives both types of mats in high quantity since they are not farmable.
Ubers drops legendaries, and has a higher chance of dropping uniques,and maybe some super rare chase uniques to add motivation.

I know these kind of posts are kind of pointless since they don’t make changes based on players suggestions such as these, but yeah after the 20th barbarian unique dropped with druid and still no tempest roar (i’m max level since two days) i’m quite bored and felt like to share some opinions.

This! Astaroth as well. In fact, all story bosses. And the capstone dungeon bosses.
Even as non-uber. Just make them pop-up like the Butcher, I don’t know, but do something with them.

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