Some feedback about the skill tree

Ok, I like the “concept” of this new skill tree by using nodes and types of skills, but the implementation is horrible, I even like more how D3 works with skills and it’s modifiers, imagine that… First the UI is horrendous, modifying something in PC is the worst experience I’ve ever had in a game, everything is super small (yeah I know I can zoom and expand the window), nodes are distanced like a kilometer away, if I need to go to the Ultimate skills I need to scroll like 5 times with my mouse, who tought this was a good design? Also if I need to modify a Basic Skill being 25 and with every point assinged I simply can’t without the game telling me “You can’t refund a node that is required to keep a cluster unlocked”, I need to take away a point from the end, assing it to the new Basic Skill and then go one point by one between each Basic Skill, this is terrible UX and a PITA to do it, just let me freely modify my skill tree and the hit “Apply” like WoW does, if something goes wrong tell me then, boom, solved, this design is super counter-intuitive and new players will get frustrated VERY quickly. Also, why there’s no Import/Export functionality? If we are able to Refund All by spending gold to use a new build, it’s intrinsically assumed that we may have multiple builds available to use with our items, but no, we have to manually assign each time the complete tree.

Hope it helps.

EDIT: An option to let us open the full panel always instead of half screen would be amazing as well.

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