Solution to Boss leechers worse than problem ✅

Good to know. It will be interesting to see the final patch notes.

Its 12 now instead of what 5 hearts and 12 instead of 9 blood? This combined with rotas being dead sounds like this is going to really be a grind to gear up.

You literally never need to kill a lair boss in S7 to grind up. I think i have killed like 10 total all season.

Lets not act like lair bosses are progression

Your solution solve only boss leachers problem. The main problem of current system are not leeachers, but 4x adventage in playing rota against solo. This set the game in weird state where bossing comes to uninspirational group one shoot fest. If players want to have some fun from good boss fights, trying boss with underlevlel char, watching how his power grow from kill too kill by doing them solo. He get 4x less progress as a reward. New blizzard system will be perfect after some balance tweaks to the drop rates. Some balance is needed or deacrese mats requirement, cause till this time drop rates was balanced about rota playing.

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They did not list this solo vs group as a reason in the dev notes. They said it was a solution to leechers. But the solution in effect means you had 3 leechers in your party every time because that is how much loot you get. Seems weird that the solution is worse than the 1 in a blue moon this actually happened.

I love this example because it perfectly explains how solution is worse:

Example A → 1 set of summons S7 in party = 4 loots tries minus leechers for you and each person.
Example B → 1 set of summons S8 in party = 1 loot try for you.

How do you get example B to work in example A environment? You need 3 leechers. Its as if you summoned first and then 3 leechers left party. This is the new system every single time.

OMG!! LOL My bad!

Can’t forget good ol Shivera!

Is that a female name? I don’t know, I take it your female, could be wrong but that name is feminine to me, if so your just about the only female on the “team”. :-p

They adress more then only leeachers problem with current system in the past. I dont watched current campfire chat only streamer summary but he mention that blizzard addres leachers, solo players, and fear to trying do bosses early with undergeared character. But even if it comes to the leeachers your logic is still wrong.

If you got 2 leeachers in party you lose 1/2 of drops according to the situation if there will be no leeachers in your party. Ofc Its still more drops according to the situation if you do it solo but less then if there will be no leeachers in your party. In random groups it is allways gamble.
After implementing new system and make some balance changes like increase drop rate by x4 or decrease amount of mats by x4 you will allways get full current 4 perfect rota drop + addictional party bonus. And it also solve solo players issues.

Leechers should not be a problem if people had a mindset of sharing is caring.
I play mainly solo and I like to play several hours a day because I like the game and have the time to do it.

When a season is half over I have pretty much everything maxed out and my stash is becoming a bit to full with boss materials.
I go to the party finder and join a random boss party.

Then I put all my materials in for about 25 runs.
So everyone in that party can enjoy the benefits without me asking something in return and after that I leave the party.

Now I have more stash space again and people who do not have to option to play alot of hours have the benefit of getting some good gear.

The other day I gave away a 4 GA fist of fate with 275% damage.
I was not really gonna use it so why not make somebody else happy.

The point is that there are always people taking advantage but it is up to you if that is a problem or not.
For me, leechers never impact my fun of playing a game.

No, Urza’s correct.

[This feels kinda like the Monty Hall problem, actually]

But here’s the breakdown:

In the old system, with equal contribution and no leechers, you got 4x your contribution in drops:

  • pay for one run, get four runs.

Also in the old system, with the worst luck possible and three leechers in your group, you got 1x your contribution in drops:

  • pay for one run, get one run.
    (with the infuriating knowledge that three leechers just got one free run each)

So the range of all possible outcomes in the old system was 1 to 4 times your investment.

Now, in the new system, you can only ever get 1x your investment.

So, the new system makes every rotation mathematically identical, loot wise, to the worst case scenario in the old system; three leechers. (This is true for everyone. So, yes, in the new system YOU are mathematically identical to a leecher in the old system for your group mates).

What the new system actually does is eliminate the possibility of handing out free runs to leechers, at the expense of GETTING free runs from a good boss rotation.

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again, your reasoning stinks lol. If its about helping other people, you can do that right now in the ptr.

I mean i know youd like to be a dev, but seriously, eventually you should just apply then.

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How? What’s “stinky” about it, precisely?

Because it’s not just a “helping people out” thing, its also a very selfish thing.

Under the old system (assuming no leechers), you got 4x your mat investment in loot drops.

The problem is there are no safeguards in the old system to protect against leechers.

But, the worst case scenario in the old system netted you a 1x return on your mat investment in loot drops… Which is exactly what you’re locked into now with the new system.

So I fail to see how Urza’s idea, which preserves the ability in increase the groups’ net return on individual mat investment, while also safeguarding against leechers, “stinks”.

and now people cant leech at all. Great change.

as for the net return - you still have advantages while playing in a group. Its toned down of course, but thats also a great thing.

People justifying their dislike for this system under the umbrella of “i want to help people!” just arent being honest.


I cheated at Contra on the NES in 1986. I apologize.

I also cheated time, because the game officially came out in 1987 and I had an early release copy. I apologize for that, too.

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. I heard if you put this in Diablo 4 while summoning a boss, you get free mats. Oh silly me… cheating again.



No, we’re not.

For example: I get to play WAY more than my roommate. So whenever I get to play with him, I love taking him on boss runs, with the oodles more mats I always have.

Yeah, sure, he’ll still get meager drops by running with me without his own mats, but they are REALLY meager. DMTdreams did the math, and it works out to a 91.7% reduction.

Link here: Boss Drops Nerfed by 91.7%!? Seriously? - #21 by Cylis-1263

Making it so I can help my roommate 91.7% less, is not what I would call a “great thing”. In fact, it stinks

so? give him your mats them. Awesome that you are helping him out. wont change for you in s8.

yea, and thats where its fine that we absolutely disagree. I want grinding to return to the game. You dont. Seems that so far im getting what i want with s8 tho.

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Then give him your mats.

A 91% reduction in drops would mean in S7 you get 10 boss drops and in S8 you now get 1 boss drop. That isn’t what is happening.

The math really isn’t that hard here:

  • In the old system, if I had enough mats for 10 runs, we BOTH got 10 runs.
  • In the new system, yes, I can give him half my mats. And we both only get 5 runs.

We can differ on the merits of the new system, but the are absolutely NOT equivalent.

91.7% more? Really?

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just that its not 91.7%. You still get a ton of uniques. just not as many from the bosses loot table but the general loot table. doesnt mean they cant belong to that boss loot table tho. In the end, the amount of differing uniques isnt infinite.

So yes, i do want that. People got way too used to this target farming mess. I dont recall when the last time was where i was actually happy to get a certain unique.

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In the new system you can summon the Boss without materials.

We have a party of three: one has 100 materials, second has 50, third has 10.
After a couple of kills there is no point for the third member to stay. He can help kill the Boss, but hasnt got materials to open the chest. He will probably leave.
The second member will stay till he has run out of materials to open chest.
This leaves the player with the most materials. He can continue solo, or get some new members.

There is no downside to this system. The only advantage of grouping for bosses is that they get one extra drop of an item with a full party.

You can still boost friends if you give them materials.

This is how I understood the explanation in campfire chat.

you got that absolutely correct.