So what will be the best sorc build once ball lightning gets nerfed?

Has anyone tried firewall or any of the non lightning meta builds at high level endgame?

(assuming that nothing else changes) If Ball Lightning gets nerfed it’s either still going to be Ball Lightning or Blizzard.

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Why would Ball Lightning be nerfed? It’s the first true S-tier sorc build since the game has released. Druid, Rogue and Necro have been enjoying such power since the beginning and have builds on par with Ball Lightning this season.

It just shows how the game has a long way to go toward balancing.

Firewall feels weak to me. Maybe with the perfect gear it’s great, but when I swapped from my firewall leveling build to ball lightning, I killed mobs 10x faster. Even with ball lightning nerf, I bet chain lightning would be faster than firewall.

I think ice shards and blizzard are as strong as they have been. Solid A tier builds.

Damn is it really that strong? I’m almost level 70 still haven’t seen the aspect. Feels bad I’ve already beaten the game and never got to try it.

It’s not that it’s “that strong” but more that, in general, the other builds are just that weak.

Ice Shards is nowhere near A Tier, at least for endgame it’s not.

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they cant nerf ball lightning its the vamp glyphs that really make it shine this season… granted with out them its still be stupid crazy. if they nerf the vamp powers then it affects every class lol nope

i find it funny that people complain about the silliest things… “daddy Blizz, my build isnt as good as theirs nor my class… i want a nerf bat daddy”

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Yep. Pretty much.

I think it’s even higher than S-tier. But at the back of my mind I still feel it won’t be a staple for Sorcs. S3 more than likely this will drop to A tier or B tier.

Why would BL be nerfed? Because Blizzard likes Sorcs (insert sarcastic emoji here).

They stated they won’t nerf Season 2. I don’t really understand if that’s like everything or they are thinking of something else . They can nerf Eternal which may indirectly nerf Season 2. So yeah technically they didn’t nerf Season 2. Kinda reminds me of the Hydra fix, and they said they buffed it. But in reality it’s really just the same as if nothing happened (no buffs).

Cough “bugged” hydra was S tier :smiley:

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rogue and barb are far more overpowered than ball lightning, so don’t count on it getting nerfed unless they hit both these classes at the same time

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incinerate with vampiric powers is doing some really insane damage!!
I was lvl62 and I was on helltide with world tier 4 and incinerate combined with flame wall was dominating!!

Anything in open world is easy. Try that in NM 100.

You could essentially call it an S1 mechanic lol. But I never consider Hydra to be S tier. It was only good at NM 100. Beyond that it’s just a normal skill.

But Ball of Lightning is a different beast. It’s good against almost everything. I still have to see where it’s bad at. Level 70s melting Duriel with subpar gear and Paragon is really something unique.

I will indeed, when i get level 100, with the proper gear, paragon and afixes. like I did on season 1.

T4 is not an achievement lol. Id say running nm 70 is just about when you got a decent build together. If you aint doing that by lvl80… Yikes

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compared to S1, the incinarate/firewall build is way better.
at my current level I have the same just 1000 less firepower than my S1 level 100 and those are major words.
with the right afixes on gear and the proper vampire powers, Incinerate is not bad

Why nerf something seasonal? They said they have no plans to nerf and it’s only that good because of the vampiric powers. Only nerf something if it’s a fundamental problem with the base game making it’s power spike.

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The official D4 twitter account said it will be corrected in the next patch.

I just finished 3 runs of T100 with Hydra and ice blades build. Took me a long time because i was testing stuff at the same time while fighting, but I DID IT! Not as easy as S1 without the hydra bug and the barber but it’s doable.

Video soon!

@greyghost :slight_smile:

Once they realized they made a mistake it recounts what they said about not making changes. Its busted busted. Its also very easy to get the build running since you dont gotta reroll uniques. Thats a problem. They want you playing the game and buying cosmetics.

If you clear lilith and duriel in a week because of BL thats a problem for them since you wont grind and see potential cosmetics to purchase.

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Pretty much this sums up on what’s gonna happen. It’s busted whatever path they choose. I don’t really wanna end up where all builds just destroy lilith with one shots (or similar mechanics). But I don’t want our builds to be inferior to other classes.

It still doesn’t make sense how a level 70 Sorc can destroy Duriel with subpar Paragon and gear. That is really not normal. I wanna avoid this. Now if you’re 100 with a reasonable gear, paragon, etc, you should be able to do better than average. If you are min maxed, then I think one shotting might be reasonable?

Nah. The person 1-4 shotting has have to got GOD rolls.