So what will be the best sorc build once ball lightning gets nerfed?

It does make sense as you’re playing in the “let’s break the game” realm. You saw the video, I wouldn’t call a kill time of 1 min and 45 sec with a proper build a “one shot”. Anything that is actually good will always be “super easy mode” in the seasonal realm (especially if it synergises well with the mechanics), that’s just the nature of it.

I think that’s a fair take on if. I would prefer though if they had more breaking changes especially on the DoT since that one is optically based on the patch notes was made to be competitive against non DoT builds.

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You really nailed it.

However, with the new uniques in S2 the damage is better, but those uniques are not Sorc only, they are for all the classes. So … you are still correct.

Because it is bugged all to hell and doing like 10x the damage it should be. It doesn’t need nerfed, it needs fixed.

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No they don’t. BL Sorcs can kill everything in the game at level 70 with good gear and level 80 or so with bad gear. The build isn’t “strong” it is absolutely absurdly broken.

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Other classes are doing broken things. It may be stronger than intended, but you’re basically asking for sorc to have 0 S tier builds. Other classes are also broken. some like rogue have many broken builds.

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It will quite likely be Ball Lightning with Pox. Or possibly Arc Lash for speed content. Chain Lightning will probably be decent as well. Then it’s Blizzard and Ice Shards for higher NM content.

I’m trying the ball lightining build.and finally I’m having fun with the sorc. Which is, the fun, the real scope of the game. I hope they don’t nerf sorc again, they should instead balance the other builds that are still under performing. I really would like a hydra or meteor builds, but both are still not good at endgame

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Which specs for necro, rogue were ever close to as powerful as lighting ball? TB was nerfed almost immediately.

Tibault’s Will giving max combo points with Condemnation for rogue is multitudes more powerful than Ball Lightning, it literally one-shots everything.

Not even close lmaooo

I was chatting to some people in a discord group and they all think Arc Lash (Maxroll versions) will be comparable if Ball Lightning is nerfed.

There seems to be a lot of varied options however on Arc Lash, but specifically the Maxroll version seems to be very strong and they put it at S Tier already, however still not as strong are Ball Lightning as it is currently. Some people are swapping to Arc Lash already in anticipation of Ball Lightning getting hit with the nerf stick.

Arc Lash will take a hit with the Ball Lightning fix as well. It will likely remain a strong speed clearing build for Helltide however, but fall from grace completely when blood powers go away.

Are you also denying Barb is rolling over everything and one shotting every boss in the game?

If they nerf it then I’m out again, I’m finally having a bit of fun, and the first time I reached lvl 90, might make lvl 100 this time if they dont ruin it with nerfs ofc, highest i’ve ever been before was lvl 83, and I’ve only played Sorc so that’s probably why, they have been the weakest class pretty much since release,
instead of nerfing BL they really need to buff the other abilities, and get more variety in Sorc builds,
and you will always see a lot of Sorcs, they have been the most played Class pretty much… I think always? even when they we’re the weakest Class, so now that they finally have a build that can compare with other Classes, you will ofc see a lot of BL Sorcs, and even tho BL is strong, theres plenty of other Classes that have builds on par AND BETTER then BL sorcs, so, really no need to nerf it, buff other abilites, not just for Sorc but every Class, so we slowly see different kinds of builds with about the same power, that do worse in one way but shine in different ways.
having this kind of power just feels more fun in my opinion.

They should maybe bring out really hard content, long beefy fights, without meh one shot mechanics, that you can only really try to attempt when you are close to having a perfect build, maybe make it have a timer, and make those bosses have unique drops, not unique gear ofc, just cosmetics or something, but good ones! something that stands out, and either make it so every time you beat it make it scale up by giving it more HP, or less time to kill it, so it’s endless, and at some point you just wont be able to kill it within the time limit, unless! if you could just get this roll on that piece of gear go a little higher, then maybe?!
maybe even let it have a scoreboard that rewards players at the end of the season depending on how well they did, but then ofc make the tradable items soulbound, like the mats needed to summon bosses, because then streamers for example will have a huge advantage.

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It takes an obscene, broken amount of unintended damage for you to have fun?

Why does the game need to be this easy for you to enjoy it?

When did gamers stop enjoying challenges? Seems like most basically want the game to play itself nowadays.

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No it doesnt, it takes a Class to be equal in power compared to other Classes for me to be fun, since I only play Sorc, and playing Sorc before just wasnt fun for me because it was so bad compared to other Classes,
but also yes, deleting big packs and run through them, like always every other Class was able to do since launch, is fun, to me anyway,
I have no objection in bringing out harder content, just dont make Sorc bottom of the barrel and unfun again.

And if BL Sorc has broken unintended damage, then so does pretty much every other Class, BL Sorc is the strongest Sorc spec, but its definitely not the strongest spec in the game.

And just from looking quickly on YT, here are some examples, I’m pretty sure Sorc would still be the slowest in BL spec compared to this :

Rogue -

Barb -

Necro -

Druid -


Honestly I did have fun with Ball of Lightning melting everything quite easily, but I had more fun now with my Burn Sorc after I broke the wall that prevented me from beating NM 100.

I think it would more fun if there are no broken mechanics and insane damages in every class. Either you give each class a broken build or none at all. I am for equal access. It’s not fun when your class is always getting the short end of the stick.

Should BL be fixed? If it’s truly unintended, yes. But Blizzard needs to fix other classes too. Are they telling me BL is broken because of a Math issue while other classes with comparable powers aren’t broken because they got the right Math?

This won’t be an issue if there’s a right path where using the right Math for Sorcs would lead to this so called valid brokenness. That doesn’t exist.

Every class has at least one stupid build that one shots everything. Don’t see you or anyone crying to have twisting blades or upheaval or and druid/necro build nerfed.

Sorcs have been a joke since the beta nerfs and people are just salty that suddenly they are getting the spotlight. There is nothing competitive about this game and with the game still being mostly utter garbage, the faster you can get the season over with the better. If it was still as strong in season 3 maybe you would have a point but I get the feeling everyone’s damage is going to take a big downturn.

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I’m now using firewall+incinerate build. with the right gear enchantments to support firery surge, adding vampiric powers, incinerate becomes VERY lethal.

TB DID get nerfed. Quite quickly in fact. Are you new?