So, went back and actually played D3 for awhile

They said that about d3 too and eventually it got better. Also there are way worse ARPGs around then d4, you’re being a little over dramatic. I haven’t played in 2 weeks. It’s in a sad state and nothing was learned from d3.

Sixteen torment levels, rifts, pets, armory, crafting, transmog, cow level, whimsyshire, gems, set weapons and armor, and very alt friendly=D3 for the win. D4 will get there someday in the future.

It’s like they worked hard on finding out good game play loops in D3 and ignored it completely for D4. Anyone who played it for 10 hours would see the half-baked ideas and user interface problems immediately. Granted, they are working to correct it - but its like they didn’t even play their own game before releasing it.

Which triple-A ARPGs are worse than D4? Exactly, there are none.

I think the answer to that is pretty clear: to this day there’s a section of people that didn’t play D3 beyond a month and still hate on it regularly to this day. There’s even threads complaining D4 has too much in common with it. The haters would be worse than they are now if D4 was any more like D3 than it already is.

IMO, D4 is meant to be a blend of D2 and D3 that is far from a smooth combination. Some of the design choices even contradict themselves, like making legendaries easy to obtain by slapping an affix on rares (D3’s cube was like gambling, totally random when upgrading) to speed up the loot hunt and power creep then having extremely low rate chase items, level scaling, and a long leveling process (I didn’t get a gear upgrade for over 10 levels in WT3).

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this is such a cope. The devs knew what worked and didnt work. D4’s development started in 2014! They have had MORE than enough time to put out a polished game with a design and systems that D4 players enjoyed

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Yea just uninstalled D4 today. Back to D3.


Do any triple-A arpgs even exist? I can’t think of any, at least not isometric like Diablo.

If we’re just talking arpg in general, Torchlight 3 might be one of the worst I’ve ever played, and I played the hell out of TL and TL2.

So D4 launched in an unfinished/bad state because people hated D3? Wow that’s some reasoning.

I agree with that which is why I am very sceptical it can be turned around. It seems they just don’t have a working vision for D4.
Extremely rare chase items but no trading or any way to target farm them. It’s fine to have chase items like in D2 but only if you can trade because I can sell every item I don’t need to bring me closer to beeing able to buy the one I am looking for.
Long level 100 grind while simultaneously making level 100 a requirement to do the pinnacle boss or the hardest nightmare dungeons. It’s fine to have a slow lev 100 if you don’t need to be level 100 for any content in the game.
Low build viability but introducing respec cost. It’s fine to have respec cost if you can clear all the content on a multitude of builds especially if leveling is fast anyways.

why do think people think my comment is actually defending d4 lol, It was just pointing out the fact that d3 took literal years to get it where it was. People not remembering the game was :poop: all the way up to RoS, and D4 will be going that same route at this rate.

It’s a combination a not learning from D3 mistakes and rushing to make a deadline and receiving a half baked game

Just remember it took 11 or 12 years to develop Diablo 3, compare that to diablo 2 which at its time was not very “graphical” or large, took 18 months to develop because the team was pushing to get it done. Your talking about a game (diablo 3) built from basically the ground up, updated engine, new lore, new story line, new items, new bosses, new mechanics, new characters models, new assets, new world.

All that takes time, you wouldn’t see diablo 4 for another like 5 years on top of its 9 year development if you wanted all the stuff diablo 3 has after its last expansion. Diablo 2 had just 1 expansion after being rushed with a 18 month development.

Development has a budget. Developers have a life, they aren’t gonna work their life away to make a game with everything they have envisioned for its life time and release it all at once. Sure there would be more content off the bat, but in due time you’ll run out, and you’ll be asking the developers to add more content….

But you ask if they want to wait years for the game to become playable, but by all means its more than playable. If you compare diablo 4 to POE which many seem to like to compare, POE released in 2013 and has had 15!!! expansions……15! It took 3 years to develop and has had 15!!! expansion in 10 years…… you want 10 years worth of expansions in diablo 4? So 2033 Diablo 4?

No ONE and ESPECIALLY the dev team wants to spend 19 year’s developing diablo 4, that would cost them WAY WAY WAY to much money and ultimately probably result in it being scrapped.

Idk how the F anyone can like what you said. This game has been in development for too many years to not learn from their successes & failures in previous Diablos. Your reasoning, as well as that of the devs, is simply and completely wrong.


I love Diablo 3! I also like Diablo 4, except it has way too many issues and problems. I hope Blizzard actually fixes and addresses them with Diablo 4 soon.

I didn’t claim any of what you just said. I don’t think it’s unfinished or in a bad state, just really rough around the edges, and I explained what I meant in the following paragraph, that they attempted to make a blend of D2 and D3 that ended up with contradictions. I think we agreed on that.

By the way, I find the art and controls of D4 eerily similar to the Blizzard North original concept for D3. I actually think that’s where they might’ve found inspiration, assuming they didn’t literally use the assets to save money on development. Not that they’d ever admit it, even if they had.

I actually really enjoyed vanilla d3. Played it every day for months with a couple friends. It was fun how infernal was really challenging and you had to stop and farm gear for days to make progress through each act. I remember breaking vases in the crypts for upgrades and those scary bees in act 2. We eventually beat infernal before they nerfed it to the ground.

Obviously the current state of d3 is way better, but I enjoyed vanilla d3 more than d4. People love to hate on d3 for not being d2, but it still had a lot of soul.

D4 just feels really buggy and soulless. Vanilla d3 kept me engaged for months and im pretty bored of d4 after 2 weeks for what thats worth.

D3 on release had rmah and item dropping settings to artificially inflate rarity to drive the auction house prices higher and thus make blizz more money on EACH sale. Yep. nearly everyone quit before it ever got good, not going to wait for it in d4 either.

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They had every resource available to have learned from the past. It’s their IP, there is no excuse. They thought that they knew better, and didn’t. That is the short of it.


If they would’ve swallowed their pride and released D4 as an early access beta, and then listen to community input, we’d be kind of in a better place right now.
I understand that that good employees need to receive pay raises, benefits aren’t cheap and they needed to move out of the red after being in development for years, but this wasn’t the way to treat customers.

I’d go back to D3 if you could run the old slow ball demon hunter build effectively. That was my favorite build ever. It would be even better now that I have a gaming rig that won’t melt down with that many sprites on the screen at once. I’m pretty sure they won’t reenable that build for the same reasons they nerfed blood lance on D4.

fair enough friend thank you for clarifying