So target farming with helltide chests is gone

Sorry Druid players, season 1 you will maybe get your tempest roar at lvl 95, maybe not at all.
Seriously, devs obviously wanted this feature, talked proudly about it during the last live stream and now it’s gone after being online for 2 hours? What changed? I will tell you what changed- nothing! It’s the same old blizzards incompetence, apparently they don’t know how to deal with some classes having no specific slot uniques so they are just shutting it all down.
Amazing job! Who needs build variety?
I’m seriously running out of copium. I was defending this game but every blue post is a disappointment and every implementation is a show of lack of skills hidden behind “muh technical limitations”… Yeah you totally are limited technically about adding more stash tabs the same stash tabs you already made and added, you absolutely have to invent new system to add those that’s why it will take at least a couple of months, it has nothing to do with wanting to monetize those originally.
Disappointment after disappointment after disappointment.


What a dumb change … was looking forward to maybe FINALLY being able to target farm the Telport chest for my level 88 sorc that never seen it drop. Now I can’t target farm it and I will go back to wow again. Baited me back and lost me again in under 24 hours! amazing diablo devs amazing.

From this excuse, one would think they are only publishing a game from one man indie dev that made the game in their spare time and that dev holds the full rights to the game and Blizzard cannot do anything without the consent from the dev. Very technically limited indeed, nevermind the size of companies and that this is their own game.

Nah, it’s a bunch of chests named “Helm chest” etc that give you any item. I mean I don’t play D4 anymore, but I can almost guarantee you they didn’t even change the names of the chests to reflect the fact they can drop any item now. Lol.

i did 10 mystery chests after this “patch” 0 uniques so back to waiting for s1.

Uniques are dropping in mid-40’s Nightmare dungeons fairly well, like about half of the ones I played tonight.

Or it could just be the RNG gods. Too early to tell.

Oh really? Yeah I kinda noticed getting about 150 uniques and 0 tempest roars. You know the item that triples amount of builds for druid…