So I have 4 Sparks

Melted heart I feel would be the best choice. Starless would be runner up.

starless sky ring on a barb? really?? I dont really man a barb, i only made one since i needed something to farm mats in the pit for my sorc / druid lol

im kinda dim-witted on the barb so i did what about 80% of the barb players do and copy robs build. I did his ‘new uber’ bleed build but he doesnt have any skill on the hotbar to causes bleed and i am completely clueless how its suppose to work. He has hammer of the ancient on it… which to me thats a hulk smash move not a cut bleed move…

but i have a shako/tyraels might and now godfather (which were the 3 ubers on his build).

he plays a ww barb, ross is clutch on ww barb actually

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If you look at his bleed variation he has the ring on it along with GF Tyreal’s and shako


Bleed is from Aspect of Berserk Ripping and the Tough as Nails passive.

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craft mythic spear for extra shrines then post us how useless it is

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Craft s grandfather and play whirlwind barb, it’s powerful,it’s fun, it’s fast

Yup already doing that. I’m not sure what a GF would add to this as I’m literally melting the mobs now.

The fact that the dmg of grandfather double dipps with twisters and bleeds, which at the same time scale with more dmg from paragons and skill tree passives such as heavy handed and gushing wounds, tons of dmg multiplying due to double dipping on grandpapa

okay! Doh… now i gotta make sure all those pesky aspects match hehe i was being a lazy barboi

Well obviously this helps the survivability. Does the damage compare to the other ubers?

It s true but you cant do dmg if your dead. A friend was getting roflstopped by tormented Duriel. Ended up getting sielig and started surviving.

It’s very powerful on a DW bash barb with the Opus sword/Tuskar helm/etc. I had a GA one drop, and didn’t worry about resistances or armor until I started pit pushing.

Without redoing masterworks for the optimal crits, I generally have about 2-5 min left at pit 122.

You don’t die, dmg output does become slightly noticeable but iirc I don’t have a single bash cleave crit on my 2h.

Thanks guys maybe I’ll give it a try. I’ve had the GF in past seasons so I know how that one works

You play this game enough to have 4 classes at 100, already have multiple ubers, and you need a forum full of people you don’t know to tell you what to do and how to play?
Craft an Ahavarion staff, solo pit 200 naked easy. Spend your sparks on that.
What a weird dumb flex thread…

Gee did you ever think I maybe created this thread for social purposes? or are you just always that negative? What a “weird dumb” take on things

I would craft another Shako if you play Barb. Won’t be long before they can equip 2 helmets :stuck_out_tongue:

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LOL! Good One!..

I was going to do this out of curiousity. :hamster: :popcorn:

my best uber craft is the spear. Its really really fun at level 35+ to have god shrines proc’in as a sorc. Really highly recommend making a spear if you are into the alt thing.

I even cleared a gaunlet with 880k points and no real gears except for the shako, tyraels, starless and spear. hehe Okay yes, 4 ubers but really thats not what builds are designed around running 4 ubers heh

my barb that is spec’d with proper gears only got 260k with the same gauntlet run. That spear is killer in there

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