So I have 4 Sparks

Well obviously this helps the survivability. Does the damage compare to the other ubers?

It s true but you cant do dmg if your dead. A friend was getting roflstopped by tormented Duriel. Ended up getting sielig and started surviving.

It’s very powerful on a DW bash barb with the Opus sword/Tuskar helm/etc. I had a GA one drop, and didn’t worry about resistances or armor until I started pit pushing.

Without redoing masterworks for the optimal crits, I generally have about 2-5 min left at pit 122.

You don’t die, dmg output does become slightly noticeable but iirc I don’t have a single bash cleave crit on my 2h.

Thanks guys maybe I’ll give it a try. I’ve had the GF in past seasons so I know how that one works

You play this game enough to have 4 classes at 100, already have multiple ubers, and you need a forum full of people you don’t know to tell you what to do and how to play?
Craft an Ahavarion staff, solo pit 200 naked easy. Spend your sparks on that.
What a weird dumb flex thread…

Gee did you ever think I maybe created this thread for social purposes? or are you just always that negative? What a “weird dumb” take on things

I would craft another Shako if you play Barb. Won’t be long before they can equip 2 helmets :stuck_out_tongue:

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LOL! Good One!..

I was going to do this out of curiousity. :hamster: :popcorn:

my best uber craft is the spear. Its really really fun at level 35+ to have god shrines proc’in as a sorc. Really highly recommend making a spear if you are into the alt thing.

I even cleared a gaunlet with 880k points and no real gears except for the shako, tyraels, starless and spear. hehe Okay yes, 4 ubers but really thats not what builds are designed around running 4 ubers heh

my barb that is spec’d with proper gears only got 260k with the same gauntlet run. That spear is killer in there

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take a look at his posting history lol, literally everything is an angry, condescending, snotty comment

Well… there’s a never-ending supply of dumb posts. It’s actually amazing, and sad, how dumb and uninformed people are.

lol yup, and instead of just ignoring it and carrying on with your (miserable, sad) life, you continue to do no one any favors but act like an insufferable pr*ck to literally everyone you interact with. Sorry your parents didn’t give you enough attention as a kid /shrug

So you prove your “superiority” by insulting me and doing the exact same thing you claim I do?
Cool flex.
If it makes you feel better to pretend to know anything about me to make you feel better about yourself, go for it.

lol your post history tells me everything I need to know. Hope you have a good day!

and gosh you’re just so superior to all of them with your negative BS

I recently had both a melted heart of selig drop and an Andariel’s visage drop, and neither seem that great to me. The melted heart of selig seems like it has potential but I’ve been unable to make it myself any more tankier than just putting a defensive aspect on a a high tier double affix amulet.

I would go for the Ring of Starless skies, or maybe just wait until you are doing a build that really needs one of them, and then you’d have the mats ready to make the perfect item for that build.

My melted heart dropped with all 4 greater affixes. No matter what char I put it on, they stay alive thru things that would have one shotted me. But no matter what you choose, don’t stand in the pools of poison. Just sayin

OMG what Uber did you make??? People are on the edge of their seats!!!

I wish I have 4 Sparks like you!
Wait, I had!
But I squandered them, got a Harlequin Crest that only had 1 bad greater affix :frowning: