So I don't get it

So, I’m a fan of Diablo in general, but I never understanding the thinking of those that develop these games. Do they play the games they develop outside of the QA process and think, hey this is fun?

I see so many things in Diablo that I personally would have never let not be in the game. You want a game that is long term fun, give players content that isn’t a repetitive mess. Who wants to run the same dungeons over and over again. Do the devs think that would be the best fit for their time?
Why isn’t there world bosses that provide unique loot. Why aren’t there dungeons you progress though where each level there is some elite boss you have to beat in order to get specific gear… where you try to progress up higher and higher… again with each end point being a boss.
God, I hate having to go in a dungeon knowing that I will have to carry some dumb object to a certain point in order to open a door or collect some item to open yet another door. Boring.
Don’t get me started on Guilds. What’s the point in being in one. I’m in a guild with 149 people and I don’t think I have ever heard a word in chat. There is no guild progression or reason to be in one. Why aren’t there ways to level a guild for cool reasons, or gear. Why aren’t there 4, 10 and 25 player events that open each week or something?

Why do I have to keep re-rolling a character over and over again, leveling or should I say grinding in this game in order to experience a new season. Thats 10 years ago logic… get creative. I just wonder if the folks that make these games really play them… and not see this. I would want to make my game something special, full of long-term fun. I would want the itch to log on each day, a community… a reason to run a dungeon or do some activity.

Again not a hater, just don’t get why things like this aren’t in the game.


As a general rule I don’t think a lot of AAA developers play the games they develop. When Naoki Yoshida (YoshiP) took over Final Fantasy XIV one of the major things he did was make the devs play WoW, EQ, and other current MMOs at the time. The result was and still is awesome.


Guilds are a sorespot on this for sure. You dont see ppl bring up that point. Some ppl wouldnt even know guilds exist. That is a good point.

Take a look at some of my posts on dungeon affixes and such.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! đź‘Ť

ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!

Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!

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Look no further than the loading screen to get to another loading screen before you enter a nmd.
They have no clue.

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Wrong. This series that iv’e played every single one on release has had since dec 31 1996 to progress. When D3 came out it took it all the way back to nothing. They threw the baby out with the bath water. Because “modern game” . It really means get the next generations ready to be dumb and not care about the game. Rather care about buying garbage in a garbage shop.

I got to scrape Naoki Yoshida off the floor in Copied Factory once, he definitely plays his own game :slight_smile:

let’s not forget the third loading screen, after all when you use a sigil in a nmd you get teleported to the entrance first lmao

When I play FF14, I mostly see features that were designed to be fun. SE developers actually believe that if they make a good product, ppl will buy it.

You made my point the game has gone way backwards

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D1 hellfire mod is still one of the best games ever made. Top 10 for sure. Back when Blizzard was Blizzard and not $$$zard.


they didn’t make this game for fun-
they made it to brag about making $666 million, then not give refunds.
If you want fun, try Path of Exile or Baldur’s Gate.
Blizzard doesnt make fun games, they make microtransaction programs that visually look similar to games

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Clearly this is not a game for you. Perhaps try out some other ARPG and you might like it better.

BG3 does it for you, too, if you want it to.

Sounds like you want a full-on MMO. I don’t.

Unique gear that only drops from one specific boss? Hard pass.