Skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

I wish my life was so trivial that I would need attention on a message board full of people I don’t know, instead of trying to provide feedback in a conversation in a somewhat intelligent manner which is what I tried to do.

Thanks for showing me the error of my ways, SimpleSiren. You’ve made it clear the official forums are a waste of time for any meaningful conversation if people like you feel so important you think people like me need your attention. Toodles.

Hey don’t let those social vampires like simp man over there get to you. They are everywhere in life and in video games.

I agree with ya, even in this game all we try to do is have 100% uptime on our shouts, 100% uptime on grizzly rage.

It seems the devs want slower paced combat, but at the same time none of the other diablo 4 systems are setup in a way to support slow pace combat so everything feels off.

Diablo 4 systems are very confused and the devs just need to pick a direction and see it through instead of what ever the beepz that they got going on now.

….because you had 100% uptime on shouts with even mediocre rolls and a few levels into paragon.

You don’t need “shout cooldown” to get cooldown reduction. No other classes use skill-specific cooldown affixes.

I mean, if you build a character will huge gaps in damage output and then don’t do anything to plug those gaps, you end up with a janky character. If that’s not fun for you, then build differently? You certainly don’t have to use an ultimate or a bunch of slow cooldown skills.

I actually dont mind short cooldowns, 1-6 seconds is whatever.

But if we’re being real, anything over 10 is stupid and as the OP says, shouldnt be a thing in ARPG.

I’m actually for removing them, because itemizing CDR is so, friggin boring.

It was in d3, and it is here too.

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its not even about the up to 20sec cooldowns. Those are more or less fine, strong but not spammable, at least not to the extent of your other skills.

Its about everything beyond that.

Whats the point about a damage skill (i can see the point with defense skills) that you even with cdr (legit) can only use at very best in every second mob group?

I dont know what feels more aweful. You dident use it because, maybe there is a bigger group shortly after and potentialy wasting a cd cycle.
Or you actualy encounter a bigger group shortly after and dont haveing it ready.

But if you can clear a group more or less without it, why have it then in the first place?
I realy dont get the design philosophy behind this, i realy dont.

What’s the point of a Shivan Dragon or any of the 100s of other big effect, way too expensive TCG cards that have been printed over the years. If you only care about maximum efficiency, you might want all skills to be “deal 31% damage in an arc in front of you” with no resource cost or cooldown to get in the way of spamming them.

But if you also care about fun, then you might enjoy occasionally summoning an army of the dead or a giant burning snake to crush a pack of mobs, even if it meant not having the spell for the next pack. There are different play styles and not everyone is interested in just running from group to group and doing the same 1-3 button combo each time.

This isn’t PoE. The builds that exist in D4 have all been intentioned by the square corners class design and spreadsheet itemization. There are no unintentioned builds in D4, and when unintentioned aspects do arise, they patch them out. You don’t have the option to “plug holes”, you can only move to another meta version of the same class, or swap classes. The ability to mitigate the holes is hard limited, by design.

I would argue all of D4’s gameplay is janky no matter what you do. If you don’t believe me, jump back into D3, D2, or PoE. It’s immediately obvious in comparison.


We used to spam ultimates all the time in Diablo 2 Blizzard, Frozen Orb, meteor, chain lightning etc etc.

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Its in POE and Last Epoch as well.

That’s a little disingenuous. It’s usage in PoE is extremely limited, and almost exclusively just on item procs. The game is designed from the ground up to allow for, and encourage active mitigation of everything. I can’t think of a Skill that is on a hard cooldown. If any was, players would just not use it. It’s all limited by resource management and mod/attribute stacking (the only way an ARPG should work IMO).

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It literally did try to copy the di aspects… but diablo immortal is better lol…

CDR is a major factor in builds in poe not all obviously but neiother are d4s…

If you are a slave to the meta, then I guess you have you shovel the excrement the meta lords serve you…

…or you could realize that this is a game you paid money to play and therefore being 5% less efficient for a 50% increase in fun is a pretty good trade off. Hell, 5% less efficient in exchange for 5% more fun is a good tradeoff.

No, the ability to remove all holes from a single build is limited. But if waiting on cooldowns to deal damage annoys you, you can easily build without any cooldowns in your core damage loop.

D4 combat is far smoother than PoE, the pacing way better than D3’s neon pinball machine, and if you think builds in D2 aren’t janky you have never played the game.

POe is janky at first but after 40 you are synergizing on most builds

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Why are there 15-60 second skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

Because the dev of this game is from WoW. If you played WoW before, many of the system in Diablo 4 made “sense”.

What they haven’t realized yet, is ARPG and MMORPG is vastly different. I’m not here to play another MMORPG, I’m here for ARPG

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CDR is actively reducible. In fact, it’s intended that you stack CDR as much as you can to reduce it. That’s the aim of getting a build to endgame, and is actually my point. If that wasn’t true, CoC builds wouldn’t be crashing servers irregularly when someone discovers a way to get CDR to incalculable sizes.

There is only one hardcoded limitation I know of in PoE (there may be others I’m unaware of), and that’s the amount of poison damage over time able to be done each second. And THAT “fix” was one of the worst things ever done in the game. It was an admission that they just couldn’t solve the problem with their own code/engine (they need to go to 64 bit variables, which AFAIK would require a complete engine rewrite).

Played it 3 different times, never made it to 40 because the combat was painful and the skill system was mess that gave me absolutely no sense of what kind of character I was building or where any of my decisions would take me.

I’m glad some people followed guides that took them through hours of painful play to end up in a D3 pinball machine with better loot and harder bosses. I’d rather play a game that makes it fun to start new characters and find good builds on your own. Maybe PoE2 will find a way to do that.

Its ruff till you synergize. If ever try again level with any skill + Summon Phantasms on kill. Easy mode leveling kill everything

You disagreed with me, then repeated what I said with different words. Also, show me a viable build without any cooldowns in the core damage loop - and the key word here is viable. I can just primary attack and claim my build has no cooldowns, but that’s not a viable character.

If you think D4 combat is smoother than PoE, I don’t know what to tell you. Jump back into a well built endgame character in PoE. I do this irregularly for the specific purpose of comparing them, and there’s no comparison. D4 is janky and pace limited by design. You may prefer that, but that’s not the same thing.

D3’s moment to moment combat is still the best in genre, and by that I mean the feel of playing it. D3 got a lot of things wrong, but that one thing it got right. That’s subjective, but it’s a claim I stand by, and is reinforced anytime I play it. Finally, if your D2 build is janky, you’re doing it wrong.

I probably need to say here I enjoy D4 so far, but it is in no way the things you claim it is (and isn’t).

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