Skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

Yes, another layer of boredom, when we’re playing the game for action (A).

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They add another layer of poor design. Just adding another layer doesn’t make something better.

But I wonder why resort to personal attacks? Why are you so personally offended you feel the need to resort to personal insults?


So don’t use ultimate skills. Stick to the 1 resource generator, 1 resource spender gamepley and don’t tax yourself with that pesky additional layer.

A layer? There is no “layer” to having to wait to use a skill. It is not fun to play, and harder to balance.

That’s not an argument.

Again with the belittling of other people.

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Not an attack, an observation.

It is not just the Ultimates that have cooldowns.

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Just a suggestion. If you don’t want the additional layers don’t use them.

If you feel attacked by simple commentary that’s on you.

Eh I don’t do either, I just play other games with faster combat and better skill expression.

All in order to slow you down and make your life miserable.

It doesn’t really slow you down; you can kill stuff and move just fine with your basic/core skill kit. CD abilities just add some nice burst DPS you can opt to use intelligently in tough fights.

Not everyone likes to think beyond just clicking and moving forward, though; so don’t use the long CD abilities if you don’t want to.

Less skill slots, longer cooldown…mobile game copy and paste?

Think we figured out where half of the code came for the game.

Diablo Immortal


I don’t mind cooldowns on ults… they’re extremely powerful. But those should be the only skills with cooldowns imo.

Try Last Epoch it’s kind of all that in one.

As someone who mains sorc, it’s pretty much mandatory for the class to use more than basic/core combo.

I get your logic, but just telling people not to use part of the game that’s designed to be used consistently and often, seems a little silly.

It’s like telling someone not to even bother with most of their skill tree because it doesn’t matter. It might be technically true for certain classes, but not all and most likely never all.

The game’s combat loop goes from insanely fast to borderline snail paced, and then after the allotted time, back to insanely fast for a short period.

It’s neither consistent nor fun for someone who’s played arpg’s for 25 years. I’m speaking from personal experience.

Also, D2/D2R is much faster paced than D4, at least for sorcerers on cooldown and in general. My sorcerer in D2 moves and kills much faster for more often and while she does have decent gear, she has room to improve.

People white knighting the game and acting like nothing’s wrong with it are just as toxic as people who say it’s a complete piece of garbage. It’s got some good qualities, but it’s not a proper arpg and as described multiple times, wasn’t designed as one.

It was designed as a live service game but what we were given was a skeleton with a promise of seasons putting meat on the bones. I can respect the honesty, but for certain fixes not being available till s2 at the earliest, it kind of makes you wonder why they even bother saying the fixes are being worked on.

Things that should have been patched in the first two weeks will take 6 months to get implemented. It’s not a sign of competency or experience in the genre, respectfully.

This would be better if the ultimate had its own dedicated slot, rather than having to put it on your bar as a choice. Having a skill there that was either unused or on cooldown for much of its time, rather than a skill you could use regularly is just a feelbad. If it had it’s own separate slot with the cooldown, I think it would be better.

I have, been waiting for them to hammer a few things out and smooth out the multi-player. I had a good time with it.

Go back to d3 this isnt d3 thanks

Learn to code not all fixes are 2 lines of code. No ones white knighting were just not whiners. We dont need to anounce we like the game as much as you need attention for hating it.

Lol, you know that’s a great question.

I’m thinking about it now and in diablo 3 all we ever did was make builds that had so much CDR all our skills had like 100% uptime and they were fun.